The Happy Heifer Cafe v0.4.2

I was trying not to spoil anything for others, which is why I left it intentionally vague, but yes.

Not trying to judge or anything, but it was clearly stated in the dialogue after Cowe get’s hurt. Maybe taking it slow and reading the text means you won’t miss important information.


The gameplay loop is well designed, and the gradual increase in difficulty was a good pace.

I personally like this art style much more than the other games you made - it fits with the cafe theme perfectly.


Wonderful art and gameplay loop! Cant wait to see more


v0.3.2 is now out as the public build! Here’s what’s new!

  • New weight stages (6 and 7)
  • New dishes added (3)
  • Lactation added (starting stage 7)
  • Condiments added to counter to add variety to dishes per customer order (6)
  • Game Menu beautification
  • New Sticker for fullness gain from eating
  • New Sticker for lactation flow rate increase
  • New Sticker for milk capacity increase
  • Lunch system overhaul
  • Table 1/2 person layer bugfix
  • Money earned per dish made visible
  • How many stickers you own visible
  • Notepad improvements
  • Tables have been numbered again
  • Upgrades added to Mr. Food’s website: Condiments, New Dishes, Lunch size upgrades
  • Cameos added with permission (Round, Gorge Valley)

cowe smoll icon


The latest public build seems to be broken, like, right at the part of the tutorial when you place your first order

Edit: It fixed itself, idk how

This bug is fixed in v0.3.3. A button was active during that dialogue that shouldn’t have been and you must have accidentally found it.

  1. I don’t quite understand the meaning of a notepad during a work shift. It requires additional time for the necessary development and the filling itself requires additional seconds, during which I will have time to serve a couple more tables.
  2. The same with Additional Caloric Intake. As I understand it, this is a double-edged blade - it can both help and harm. Although you can buy the same help, only forever.
  3. Why can’t I use the shelves now?
  4. Perhaps there is something wrong with the legendary “Leverage your assets” perk. I got the rest of the legendary perks (except those related to lactation, I only got to them) several times (with the help of a safe scam), but not this one.
  5. A mere trifle, but still. The plates cover the Cow’s face in training.
  6. As I understand it, the visitors are characters from other games, who are these?

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For your #1, the timer gets paused when you open the notepad (as mentioned in the tutorial, take all the time you need to write down everything in your notepad). From my understanding, it’s only there if you need to write down the info. Opening the notepad away from a table also pauses the timer so you may look back at what notes you made.

Oh my, that makes game much easier, I was serving only memorising orders, not always successful. I guess this cafe is more magical than I thought.

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I don’t use the note book for taking orders, I try and take the orders of two tables at most, I agree the note book does seem like a time waster, unless opening it will stop all timers its not worth it when you tips are based on how fast you get the order to the customer

  1. If you haven’t focused your lunch boost ACI can help you with filling Emily up when you need to.
  2. Buy add-ons, condiments.
  3. You’re just unlucky.
  4. yeah :frowning:
  • Mila and Eva from Research Station M-00
  • Sky and Izzy from Gorge Valley
  • Pretty sure these are OCs of real people. Ask Bun.
  1. Purple table has the developer’s (Galact’s) characters from Research Station M-00.
    Orange table has Sky and Izzy from Gorge Valley. (used with permission from Dandy!)
    Yellow table has Robin and Clare from Roundbound. (again with permission from Round!)
    Green table has Aspen and Willow from Wasteline (a gain jam game I did art for!)
    Blue table has an oc of mine and a friend of mine.
    Red table is also some of my friend’s oc’s/representations.
    There’s still 2 tables with no one on, and I plan to have more characters per table so you don’t have the same people showing up so frequently, so look forward to more!

Small suggestion, but do you mind swapping the positions of Sky and Izzy? If Izzy is around, they block the cyan table some, and in a game where seconds matter, it’s a good reason why I struggle to get that 5th star…


Great game, excited to more!

I think my main feedback at this point, especially at the start of the game, is that the two minute timer for each shift is really long when you get like only a couple of customers. For the first few days, I was just sitting for 20-30 seconds at the end with no one to serve.

Later there was definitely a nice interplay between trying to find time to stuff my face between serving tables. I’m still not entirely sure of the advantages/disadvantages of taking lunch vs. creating more capacity by skipping/being full already… I assume that not eating lunch and then being able to eat more in the afternoon is better? i.e. does just eating more stuff = more weight gain?

I think in the last version, if you ended the morning with like 4/5, you could eat lunch and get extra stuffed at 6/5, but now it just seems like it respects the cap. I could have seen ‘over stuffing’ via lunch being an interesting strategy if that meant something different happened over time (like increased capacity) vs. skipping lunch to make more room to gain more weight via increased intake…

I did find the 2nd time around the tutorial note about the notebook pausing time to be helpful. I haven’t really been using it much and just remembering orders, but I did find myself using it to try and either pause time near the end of a shift to ensure I got the order and run to the kitchen and back, or I used it when I had a few tables to serve and wanted the patience buff to ensure I could serve the table before they left.


Hello! thanks for the compliments first of all!!

The weight gained is tied to the total number of your fullness over the course of the day, so say you have 10 fullness, eat 'til your full, skip lunch and go back to 5 and eat 5 more you’d have eaten a total of 15 and that gets added to your weight. (at least from Galact’s explanations to me i believe that’s how it works!!) So generally, if you think you can find time during the shift, skipping is better. its mainly there if you don’t want to worry about it during the rush of everything.

Galact has said recently that the overstuffing was unintended, but the concept of eating past the point of being full is a nice one so we’ll discuss that and if its something we want to add properly.

notebook is for those of us (not naming any names or pointing any fingers…) [me, I mean me] who cannot remember things for the life of them!!!

Thanks for the feedback ! <3


Bun is wrong ring the cowbell of shame
Weight gained is only determined by your fullness number at the end of the day


I’ve been doing so much extra work… so then what’s the point of skipping lunch?

yeah this dev sucks i say we all throw tomatos at him and instead praise the artist more
cowe sipp icon


So if it’s only the end of the day number that matters, the choice very much comes down to how likely you are to make mistakes for most of the midgame.
It kind of makes the mechanic a little superfluous, imo. Daytime eating doesn’t matter at all while you just want to eat all your snacks at the end of the day to increase weight. Strange decision…