NEON - V0.2 Released

Any screenshots you can share?

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Here’s some that I just took. Ill be adding more when I update the game on friday :slight_smile:


V0.02 has been released, here’s the changelog:

-added conversation response system
-added basic animation (no jump animation yet, i forgor)
-added cel shaded material
-added placeholder character image
-added currency (usable next update probably)
-added npc rotation when speaking to them

-optimized dialogue display system
-optimized storage so it’s not a whole goddamn gigabyte anymore lmao
-capped max frame rate so your gpu wont melt :))))

-removed day night cycle for the time being (breaks the cel shading)
-removed most if not all print string events so that they don’t show up during gameplay.

Link To Itch Page:

Link To Patreon:


I respect the ambition and how it looks so far. It kinda reminds me of chub chomp chill but if it was free-roam lol

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V0.03 Just dropped

-added camera lag to make camera movement smoother
-added modular character portraits
-added ability to choose player name
-added character creation at beginning of game (this one has sliders!)
-added basic event for new character Himiko
-added new level blockout
-added new character info at top left

-changed dialogue camera so that it no longer voids itself if you’re too close to an object/character

Bug Fixes
-fixed but where naming yourself the same as other characters gets reeeeal messy in dialogue windows

Link To Itch Page:

Hopefully I can get more done next update. I’ve been feeling sick the last few days, but I’m hoping it passes by the end of the weekend.



I was already interested in the screenshots, but now you got me hooked

V0.04 Has Released

-added newly purchased assets to make city look more like a city
-added sculpted landscape
-added super fake water that does not work at all
-added a teleport system to utilise new buildings properly
-added baseline for new interaction system
-added player apartment to eventually make use of new interaction system
-added system for item icons
-added new shop window system that will help me update the inventory system

-messed with lighting settings to fit the style better
-optimized performance

Link To Itch Page:

I’m going to try my hand at the combat system soon, but I want to get more polish done and a bit more content first.

See you next week :slight_smile:


Ayo I’m back and still have this stupid ass cold.

Also 0.05 is out :wink:

-added new inventory menu with stats and character portrait
-added background blur and animation to menus
-added super basic settings menu
-added foliage and more scenery to make city feel larger
-added framework for combat stats
-added combat stats
-added xp
-added levels
-added skill points to level up base stats
-added resource bars
-added basic combat system
-added tunnels area (extremely WIP)
-added very detailed and intricate respawning cube enemy
-added ability to gain xp and money from cube enemy

Hopefully I can get more done for next week if I could stop being sick for like 5 minutes, gotta do a bit more polish on the combat and UI buttons, but after that I’m gonna try to add the dreaded feature of saving and loading.

Feedback is always appreciated, Hope you all enjoy this version.

See ya next week :wink:


I just gave the game a try,

I’m really excited to see where you take this project as I don’t know a lot of open-world weight gain/expansion games that don’t use RPG maker. Keep up the excellent work!

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Hello! First, how do you do that Himiko event? and is there a way to progress time so fullness decreases?
Secondly, I just wanted to give a thought/complaint. Simply put, this game is surprisingly intensive on my computer. And for what it’s worth it doesn’t need to be. The lighting is often TOO bright, and the motion blur makes me a little dizzy

The UI is kinda broken and really hard to navigate on non 16:9 screens. I’ve got a 16:10 screen and the UI is constantly off screen making it difficult to interact with

What resolution are you playing at? I can use it to help resize stuff to work better with other resolutions.

The Himiko event got turned into the shop event. I forgot how terrible I am at writing, so I decided to focus on other content first, sorry.

Currently theres no way to pass time, but I’ll add a way to next update, whether it’s just a button or interacting with a bench or a bed.

As for performance, I know it’s a rough at the moment. I’m trying to optimize it as best as I can, but I think I forgot to disable a camera or two, which makes the game run a lot worse.

I’m disabling motion blur for next update and will put an option in the settings to change it. I meant to disable it in the first place but completely forgot.

I’ll do my best to tone down the lighting without making it look weird.

Thank you for the feedback :slight_smile:

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I use 2560x1600. On another display I might use 1600x1200

Cool thanks. I’ll get that fixed :+1:

time for 0.06 babyyyy

Not a huge update this week, but I managed to make a few systems work better. I also noticed that I’m a moron and broke the dialogue faces like 3 weeks ago. it works fine when running a standalone game from the editor but not in the fully built game. I should have it fixed by next week. Also I’m gonna redo the blend shapes to make them not look like a 4 year old made them (when in reality it was not a 4 year old and it was in fact me).

V0.06 Changelog
-Added rest button in inventory
-Added rudimentary digestion system when using rest button
-Added smooth morph blending so using items doesn’t immediately set morph to that value
-Added slider to rotate character in menu

-Moved directional light around to make it look better
-Changed lighting parameters to make it look a bit less bright
-Made cube enemy look like a cube enemy (still doesn’t look good lmao)
-Screwed around with active cameras and boosted performance by like 200 percent
-Changed cel shading to work with lighting (GPU usage in inventory is quite high now unfortunately. Trying to find a good way to fix it without breaking everything)
-Made menus work better with different aspect ratios (I think, keep me posted on this one)

Bugs Introduced
-I didn’t even notice I broke the character portraits in the dialogue. working on a fix for next update

Plans for next update
-Redo my morphs so they don’t suck :slight_smile:

Itch Link:

See ya next week :slight_smile:


I’m taking a bit of a turn with the next update. I’ll be releasing 2 versions. one version will be the current version with the new morphs.

The second version will be something a bit different.

When I originally started this project a year ago, my original plan was to make something close to Tainted Elysium, but in Unreal. Clearly, I’ve gone waaaaay past this scope and went fully 3d. I’m now hitting snag after snag, and some of these snags are things I cant fix easily without the expertise of others. So, I’m thinking of scaling back to my original idea, and going with a more UI heavy experience like TE. I’ll still be using the body and customization features that I already have in place, but this will allow me to create more content for the game as opposed to buying or creating hundreds of assets that I may or may not even use. I’ll also be able to get the atmosphere closer to what I had in mind as well.

My bad for the long post, I’ve just been unsure of how I wanted to move forward until now.

TL;DR I’m releasing 2 versions next update. the first version will be new morphs with the current systems. The other version will be a more UI heavy Tainted Elysium style experience using some of the current systems. The second version will probably be the updated version moving forward.

Update should still be out friday as usual :+1:


Okay so I got the new blendshapes in, but I couldn’t get the second version out in time. right after my last post, I ended up getting a 2 day migraine, and anything that used my brain just hurt my head :upside_down_face:

I’ll have the second version working sometime next week, and I’ll probably drop the update mid-week.

I’m also working on a couple of computer science certificates now too, but I’m trying to keep working the same amount on TNC as I was before.

0.07 Isn’t much to look at but I hope everyone enjoys the new morphs :slight_smile:


Would you add a ray tracing option in settings? Unless this is UE5 then maybe Lumen?

V0.1 is out now!

This is the first version of the UI based TNC. It’s still super scuffed, but I was able to get character creation working and you can move around on the small map. I’m hoping to have a lot more done for next week. Trying to juggle working on certificates and TNC at the same time is rough sometimes, but that’s just because I’m lazy lmao.

See you next week!

Ill try and redo the screenshots for next week.