The Sultans Harem 🕌 - V0.5 on Patreon / V0.3 on itch for FREE

Welcome to weight gaming @Fopl_Gopi.

You need to increase Yixing’s weight level. That is what is meant when the game tells you “you should visit” a girl. It’s because they share a scene together for the next weight stage event and they both need to be certain sizes for that stage. So, the game locks the event until you’ve met the required stage for each girl in the scene.

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How long does it take for fatima to level up I am in 4/8 for her


For the first 5 stages, you just need to buy the big orders. Afterwards, it will be similar to the other girls.

I been feeding her for a long time and nothing happening i am still stuck on 4/8 I got her at 1/8

Will there be a public release of any version above 0.3?


Any new updates upcoming in

Same question man, hope we get some new announcement.

0.3 was just added as a public release with the latest update, certainly won’t see any further update until the patreon release gets updated.

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Ohhh that’s ok what’s the Patreon version right now?

0.5 came out in September.

does anyone know what do do by this point? im playing 4.0 (hotfix) and I’m stuck, Arya is 4/8 Lela is 1/5 Yixing is 5/8 Katerina is maxed out, i haven’t begun fatima, and I did oracle already I’m also missing two girls. I’m also interested in Eyana. Any direction to a ‘guide’ would be nice, or a quick how to do as well.

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Welcome to Weight Gaming @YearOldSpoiledMilk

Eyana is not apart of the harem (yet?) so she has no content other than unlocking her on day 10, a scene on day 15 with Nina, and up to a couple more scenes as the game progresses but it’s day based and you don’t directly influence her.

Nina, Fatima, and Valerie are likely the girls you’re missing. Nina is unlocked on day 15, Valerie on day 25. Nina can be accessed from the harem like other girls once unlocked, and Valerie will be in the dungeons. Fatima you can progress her story by going and visiting the bakery and placing large orders for the palace. She stops accepting after 6 have been placed. I don’t remember the specifics for 0.4 but some girls have cross over events for their weight stages and require you to advance certain girls’ weight stages in order to unlock the next weight stage of a different girl. I believe the game should tell you when you need to advance one of the girls’ stages if it is stopping you from another girl advancing to the next weight stage. Something to the effect of “you should visit (girl’s name.)”

It’s not a guide for the game but I do have a doc that shows how to unlock all the girls in game. That should point you in the right direction at least. How to unlock all the girls in The Sultans Harem google doc

If you are stuck not being able to progress a girl to a weight stage listed in the version you’re in it’s likely because you need to raise another’s stage up, which might include the need to unlock some you are missing.

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thank you very much!!!

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Hey guys i have made everything except the food challenge between arya and katerina how do i do it? I maxed all characters btw i am on (0.4.6)

Rileigh at weight stage 4.
Hopefully this will brighten your wait for the new version


My favorite girl in the game


I love how wide her hip are getting. My one request about her would be to have her current sizes turned sideways so you can compare how big shes gotten to how she started. Is there only 3 sizes in harbour, or am I missing one of Rileigh’s stages.


I’m on day 49 and don’t see a map option to conquer other kingdoms. I just went from 0.3.5 to 0.5.4 if that has something to do with it

Are you saying you used a save from 0.3.5 and then loaded it up for 0.5.4? I don’t believe old saves are supported between versions. By day 44 Jamal should of approached you about seeing the general, if this didn’t happen it’s likely from using an old save from a previous version.

Yes, an old save does seem to work, I just downloaded 5.4 and it picked up where I left off in 3.5. I remember in 3.5 seeing the map option and it said it would come in later revisions. Now I’m on a later revision and there’s no map option