The Sultans Harem 🕌 - V0.6 on Patreon / V0.4 on itch for FREE

Thanks, i couldn’t recall, i remember the first release, i think worked to get everything at hundred and got the riddles on first go.

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So if I have manage mabiid kindom, then my harem will be feed passively. Is that mean They will be gaining weight even though I don’t visit them?

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That´s exactly right.

@NitroGunslinger @rednior43 @WankA12

It´s funny that none of you has guessed it correctly yet)


I’m currently playing 0.5 but I’ve reached a stage where when I choose Yixing, it says
“You should pay Arya a couple visits before coming back to Yixing”" but when i go to Arya, it says “You should visit Yixing some more before coming back to Arya” does anyone know how to fix this ? I used a totally new save

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There was a bug at an earlier iteration - or are you playing V0.5.4? You can see that at the bottom right corner of the main menu.

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I want to see Yixing much more fatter


Wait…you mean if just manage the kingdom alone, and never go to the harem. They gain weight anyway? I do both. Or did I miss read that?

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This is a feature that you gain as a result of conquering one of the neighboring regions, and it wont be available until later when you can access the map. The rate of passive gain also seems very slow. So for most of the game you’ll want to feed the harem or you’ll see no progress. Even once you get this feature, not visiting the ladies seems like a way you might miss some scenes that occur at different weight stages. Maybe not the big transitional scenes but ones where they’re just hanging out in parts of the palace, or you catch them stuffing their faces, or they interact with each other. I don’t think there’s ever a good reason not to be visiting and feeding the harem, but what this might be good for is helping some of the girls gain weight that you were less interested in and fell behind the others without you feeling forced to see them a bunch.

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Played through it a couple days ago and finally decided to type up my thoughts:

Another great update on the whole. I was sort of concerned that continuing to add more girls would wind up bogging the game down, but this fortunately isn’t the case at all. The amount of story events for each concubine, as well as random events and additional characters meant that there were barely any periods of grindy “Click, feed the girls, click, make money, click feed the girls again” which can sometimes arise in a VN when you’re trying to get to the next event. And as more events are added with each update, I’m sure the presence of those periods won’t be a concern at all one or two versions from now.

I also found myself really enjoying the kingdom management side of the game, which surprised me, because I usually view that aspect of the VN as the work to get to the story bits. The addition of actual people in the encounters definitely makes them engaging, as did the punching up of dialogue and the larger variety of events. Again, assuming more and more stuff keeps getting added as time goes on, this aspect is on track for greatness. I also encountered something when starting up the game which got me more engaged than in previous updates: I’d just downloaded this latest version, I was sort of mindlessly clicking through the throne room encounters, yawn, when I guess through some decision my military power went down to zero, my kingdom was invaded and I got a game over! All of a sudden, I started caring a lot more about my decisions. And not just “Well I’ll make sure to keep my military power up so I don’t game over again”, I started keeping an eye on everything. I was checking my stats and strategizing, taking calculated losses to keep the cash flowing or my people happy, always remembering to recoup the losses later. It’s not an exceptionally deep system, nor does it have to be, obviously we’re here for the big ladies, but it keeping me engaged made the gameplay much less grindy and a lot more fun. Keep it up! (Also looking forward to the conquering mechanic being fleshed out!)

LustLord’s images continue to be amazing. Don’t have much more to say there, just needed to shout them out.

Now for the new story stuff. Let me start off by discussing the way certain events with one girl can be blocked to the player until they’ve gotten another girl to a certain stage. This is a little immersion-breaking and railroady, but for the sake of maintaining continuity and getting some really fun multi-girl events, I’d say it’s worth it.

Love the rivalry stuff, that’s actually been a nice throughline for the last couple updates, and you certainly won’t see me complaining about lovely ladies fighting over me! Also she is getting BIG, whoa mama. Have I mentioned how good LustLord’s work is?

My one issue with this update. I really like the idea behind Valerie, it’s very hot. And I appreciate how it offers some variety by making you go to a different location to see a girl (Although there is an odd thing where one of her beginning of stage events is her accepting to join your harem, but then she stays in the dungeon and you have to get her to the next stage for her to actually go to the harem.) Unfortunately, her plot is quite thin. Not much of note occurs, and she doesn’t really have any fun random events like some of the other girls. She seems quite the glutton but doesn’t really show it off much. Maybe this won’t be a problem in a couple updates if she gets some additional small scenes, I dunno. I also feel it’s a shame the dungeon becomes useless once she moves to the harem. She seems quite into the bondage side of things, I’m sure she’d still want to have some fun down there. Maybe have one of those repeating random events like Nina’s where you walk into the harem only to find she’s not there. This is a cue to the player to, if they choose, exit the harem, go somewhere else, and then go to the dungeon, where Valerie’s waiting for some fun feeding/kinky stuff. I dunno, I’m just spitballing.

Don’t want to end on a downer, so just to reiterate, this was a great update! I’m really looking forward to what’s coming next and I’m crossing my fingers the next update shows some love to my underrated favourites, Nina and Lela. Also the non-harem girls, Rileigh has particularly piqued my interest, especially if she adds another facet to the kingdom management while also being a sexy fat girl.


This is my first time playing and I’m enjoying it so far. I am curios, how do you unlock the character listed below Valerie? I’ve already unlocked all the other characters.
Screenshot 2024-09-08 235915

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The character below Valerie is Fatima. In order for her to join the harem you need to have gone to the bakery and purchased the orders for the palace. You place a total of six orders and Fatima will no longer accept further orders. Once you have hit that point you need to raise Arya’s weight stage up to stage 6. Which will require you to raise Yixing’s weight stage up to stage 7. Yixing will require you to have Nina at weight stage 3. So, get Nina to 3, Yixing to 7, Arya to 6. Then when you go to visit Arya again at the Harem it will trigger Arya’s weight stage 6 intro event, and that leads to Fatima joining the harem.


I guess they are Nina, Eyana and Arya
BTW, I have a problem downloading v0.3.5 from the drive link given, it just says that there’s too much traffic. How do I fix that?

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One bug with Fatima that has been out since she joined the harem in v0.4 is that sometimes the pose of the previous frame will persist in the background when talking to her:


Thank you for the info.



Thanks for the info. This will be fixed with the next version.


You´re right)

Here they are from the front:

You can bypass the downloading limit by just downloading the whole folder instead of the file.


I’ve fattened all 7 women in Harem to the highest level. And I’ve beaten all 3 places on the map, Bafur, Mountain Tribes, and Mediib. I think all that’s left is the Riley event in the harbor, but only the conversation in the screenshot continues. Is that it at 0.4.6?


Hi, I wanted to ask you a question, was it planned to release the game in steam?


How to open 4 girl?

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Welcome to weight gaming @1_2.

The fourth girl is Katerina and you need to raise (public) opinion to 100 using the throne room’s random events. And then a new event will pop up once you hit 100 where you meet Katerina.

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Does anyone know how to open all stages of Valeria?? He writes to me that I need to visit Yixing, but no matter how many times I visit, a new stage does not open. v 0.5

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