The Weight Gain Trading Card Game! - WIP, needs name

Oh my gosh yea that’d be awesome. If you specifically like this then I’d love to work with you on art design for cards, and really any other input you have.

alrighty then, would you like an example piece of my style?

if so, what would you like it to be?

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Hmm well I think just a pretty basic idea based on the rules system I’d been working on for this card game

could you draw like a demon girl with some kind of weapon or action pose and magic, but at 2 different weights/fatness levels? Heck, maybe a different emotion/expression between the two.

ok, ill come with a few designs ready for you in a couple of days

where should i drop off the final pics?

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Add me on discord DukeOfKalos#3232

We can talk more there/send me stuff. I’d direct you to the server but it needs a major overhaul (coming soon) so I’d rather just talk in DMs for now.

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so do most TCG’s on paper, but when you play a few games you begin to understand.