The Weighting Game - WIP

It works this time! Thank you everyone!

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Yep. It also changes her tone of dialogue for various scenes, such as when offering her a doughnut at work.

ugh… i hate to ask tigeroo but is their any chance you could upload the p.c version to MEGA please because i net is a tad unstable were i live and i can only seem to be able to download fine from that website only without too many issues

Tigger, I fully understand but want to assure you that you have produced the best game of its type ever! I have 0.7a and am still very much enjoying it. I was on your Patreon for quite a while (As David E) and we have exchanged messages from time to time. I just want to say a big Thank You for all your wonderful work, first class images, great story lines etc.
If you ever do feel able to do any more I’ll be delighted to help cover your costs!

Best wishes for the future.

He’s straight up said he’s lost interest because of pirates, many times. You and many others are seriously going “He’s telling us he’s losing interest and getting burned out because of pirates, and has done so repeatedly? This could only mean one thing: this has nothing to do with pirates!”

Like, I’m sorry, some of you might be feeling guilt and need to redirect blame to someone other than yourselves/pirates in the community, but holy shit grow up. Quit trying to psychoanalyze a guy through his forum posts because you’re butthurt and take him at his word. Stop doing mental gymnastics to convince yourselves that one of the best devs on this site was “actually a conman all along!” when the answer is very straightforward and clearly stated: tigger’s passion for the project was sapped by having his releases pirated.

You may disagree with him feeling that way, or believe that you wouldn’t feel that way in his shoes, but you are not him. It’s that simple.


Since the project is on an extended hiatus and it seems like I think just about everyone has said their peace we are going to be locking this thread. @tiggertoo if you would like us to un lock it when you start development backup or for general discussion on the game feel free to DM me and we can work with you on that.


Reopened at OPs request


Thanks @grotlover2

I’ve asked for this to be reopened partly so that I can add Mega links to the first post (way more people have tried to download this than I thought would!) and partly so that until/unless I restart work on the game, you guys have somewhere to discuss it.

I probably won’t be on here as much as I used to, but I’ll still pop in now and then to say hi :slight_smile:


Cheers tigger i hope one day you do find the passion to return making this but until then i bid you good tiding in your whatever your next project is

I hope you have more relaxed days in the future and peace of mind.

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All I have to say on this as well is thank you for what we do have so far. The work on the model for Alice is great, just:


You might want to leave it open and just delete the flamewar style posts (in the near future I imagine all the haters will be bored anyways, and only n00bs with honest questions will remain?) I imagine for a long time to come people might come here with questions about gameplay or if they get confused by a game mechanic. I’ll (or someone else) answer them. Even in future years someone else will always probably be around to remember this classic masterpiece of the forum and answer questions for all time :slight_smile:


thanks tiggertoo for your content, i played 0.5 final for the last time i played. i’m so exited to play the 0.7a !
I dont know why the game is indefinitely in pause, I hope u will come back soon

PS: your novel is the best novel i played,


As someone who’s been such a big fan of the game since day 1, and an on/off patron when I can… this is heartbreaking, but not altogether unexpected. The surprising and maddening level of piracy of this game I’ve seen be incredibly high, only matched by the support its gotten. Your game is one of, if not the best of its kind on this site. It inspired a dozen knock offs and other games of this style, and has brought me literal days of enjoyment. I hope you’re able to deal with the stress of this and I hope the pirates and bastards fuck off from this kick ass project.

You’re a talented game dev, writer, and artist, with a kind soul and a real spirit for creation. If this is the final verison of the game, its a beautiful work-in-progress we can end on. Thank you for your hard work, and may your future endeavors, game dev or otherwise, be peaceful and successful.


oh my god im so dumb, i only just now understood the title of the game, that its a play on the phrase “waiting game”, and oh my god im so dumb


I’m going to make a little guide explaining the main hidden variables and how they work.

There are four important hidden variables for Alice: romance, greed, a feedee variable, and a variable that gives her self-confidence about her weight (fatconfidence).
The majority of Alice’s answers will be determined by romance but especially by fatconfidence. For each size of Alice she has three states of mind in relation to her weight that could be named: bad, normal, enthusiastic. A variable determined by the sum of the fatconfidence and a quarter of the romance determines the state (the romance has a weighting effect which allows to go from bad to normal). At the end of the game there is not much difference and Alice is generally happy unless you purposely offend her, however it is difficult to get Alice’s enthusiastic responses when she wins her first pounds. Unless you abuse the size blocking system by never inviting Alice home it is easy to move on to the next size and miss those lines. Finally, romance is the parameter that determines whether Alice leaves us permanently, temporarily or not at all after Janet’s visit. All three answers are valid, but the thresholds for romance required are very high if we lie to her and much lower if we tell her the truth, blaming her is intermediate.
Greed will determine in some sequences how much food Alice will eat. It determines with the variable feedee some of Alice’s responses when she is poked.
The feedee variable determines how much food Alice will eat when we feed her directly.
Finally a note for the MC’s fitness, it determines only some of Alice’s replies about our physique and if we are able to lift Alice or not in the middle of the game. It has no effect on the outcome of the race to the park which is only determined by Alice’s weight.

This is how we increase these variables, indeed from a gameplay point of view some activities are indeed very profitable and others to be avoided because they only make Alice fat without increasing her other statistics.

Romance: Romance can be gained by going to the cinema, automatically by choosing the movie she wants to see, one chance out of two by telling her a compliment, also by grabbing her thighs (only from size 3 to 5 if she is not already enthusiastic). Inviting her home works very well, cooking for her and possibly saying that you prefer her to the girl you see on TV. There is also: if we offer her our pastry while shopping or if we are diplomatic after beating her in the race.

Fatconfidence: An important but difficult variable to gain. One of the best ways is to comfort Alice by going to the gym, this is a point that can be abused by calling Alice and then hanging up. If she is in a bad mood by offering her a dougnut at work (choose the option that is NOT “One tiny doughnut won’t do you any harm”). Be diplomatic after beating her in a race.

Greed: Almost any option where we hand-feed her (MC’s house, duck pond, movie theater, beach over a certain size). Offering her our pastry at shopping, offering her a donut at work, the pretzel scene that can happen after going for a walk in the park. Finally the café is a very good place to increase Alice’s greed, but since the last versions it is more convenient to find Alice jogging to go there than to offer to go eat somewhere (ice cream, pizzaria and fast food have no effect on the greed variable). Going to Alice’s house also works but the occurrence of this event is low.

Feedee: This statistic increases exclusively when you feed Alice by hand (MC’s house, duck pond, cinema, beach from a certain size). Encouraging Alice to eat when you lost at the bowling alley and feeding Alice directly at her house are the last ways.


Is it possible to kiss Sarah? I’ve played through the game twice, and tried different stuff both times. The only hint I’ve gotten is that different interaction at the gym.

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Unfortunately not my guy. Her and Alice have a few stripping scenes but that’s as far as she goes