The Weighting Game - WIP

also when there is a new update will my progress save?(sorry so if you get to be continued nothing new will happen or is that just for alice? like will anything happen for the other characters)

So, to trigger the exception you have to select “Are you enjoying this film” instead of “Would you like a snack?” when Alice is at your home for the first time since she reaches size 4. I.e., it suffices to select “Would you like a snack?” once, then the variable is defined and you can choose whatever option you want next time. So if anybody encouters this bug, just click “Rollback”, return to the choice and choose the other path.

(As for the bug, there should be setting variable feedeechoice in “Are you enjoying the film?” branch both in homewithalice.rpy:3401 and homewithalice5.rpy:760. I leave to author (or anyone that will eventually collect fixes for the game and releases them) which value there should be and what text should be displayed where the execption occured.)

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@appleandbanna111 When a game that uses the Ren’py engine (as The Weighting Game does) it leaves a file on your computer with saves and all the data that would be saved between versions. Unless you remove this file, which is not likely to do by accident (Myself and others have said in previous posts how to remove it if you want a fresh start with no save data) your save data will still be around.

However, that doesn’t mean it will always be able to be used by a new version. There are alot of factors that can make a new version and old save files not compatible. This is normally up to the dev developing and certain factors like when Tiggertoo’s game was reworked in the early stages, obviously something like that would make old save files not work.

TLDR; Even if you delete your game file you will still have progress if Tiggertoo ever chose to pick development back up.

As far as new content for others you should of seen most content in the game there are alot of scenes of Alice that may be missed depending on how you played. I always enjoyed replaying from the beginning every time there was an update. But I would say it’s unlikely you saw everything with Alice unless you made an effort to make sure you did(if that makes sense).

what do you do if you break up with alice but you still get to play?

@appleandbanna111 It’s one of the possible outcomes just keep playing go to work and go to home and when asked if you want to go to bed early say yes. After around a week passes the game will progress. There won’t be a negative for her breaking up with you. It’s either she does or doesn’t depending on how happy she is in the relationship (it’s far more common for her to break up during that part, than to stay together.)

Hi guys,I have one short question. If Alice hits the biggest weight gain stage,is there ANY way how to get her for run? Thanks for the answer,game is best :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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A) There is not going to be an update.
B) If there was an update you will have to start a new save file, the engine will load your old save games but it will lead to bugs and ruin the game and made it harder to troubleshoot what is wrong.

but yeah, ren’py makes backups of all save game data in the windows user folder under appdata roaming renpy

BTW is there a difference when you break up in a bad way to the playout of the rest of the game?

I mean Will there be different scènes available if one where to lie OR blame alice?

As far as I’m aware there is only a difference during the breakup in dialogue. When you get back together with Alice all different paths on how Alice reacts to your responses merge back to the main route. It won’t affect future scenes.

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I’ve tried looking through the files and the like but Renpy makes no sense to me. Is it possible to kiss sarah in this version? What happened to hannah, she just kind of disappeared after her “im gonna lose this weight” thing. Does anything happen with Becca besides her getting chubby and hitting on you? I remember some events of becca and/or hannah in older versions but i dont know if they have any more content in this one. Also, what’s the max size for Alice? I’m at 250 something, and if I try to edit the files it resets itself back to the current weight even if I manually change it to like 350.

Sara isn’t dateable down to her not being straight. Hannah and Becca both have further events, you haven’t gotten to them yet. Max size for Alice in 0.6 was at 300 lbs, not sure what it is for 0.7 but iirc its 340 or 360. You obviously can’t trigger it by editing files since it’s scripted

How do you trigger hannah and/or becca’s later events then? I straight up haven’t heard from hannah and worry it’s bugged or something, and Becca i work and go to the park frequently. Does Lacy have any more events after getting her landlord to back off a bit? Also, I know Sarah is lesbian, but there’s a variable called SarahKiss or something like that. And she DOES actively flirt with you and Alice.

Hannah and Becca scenes should follow the main story if you have the hint mode turned on the hints also work for that. The Sarahkiss is probably related to later scenes.

EDIT: Also I might be mistaken but I believe it’s indicated in game that Sarah is bi during a scene at Sarah’s.


I’m still around (kind of). Just not on here as often as I used to be…

I am noting down bugs though (pleased to see there don’t seem to be many!). If I do restart work on the game at some point then I’ll get those fixed.

For those who are trying to edit the game files, unless you have a VERY good idea of what you’re doing, then I really wouldn’t advise this. You’ll almost certainly break something.

Oh, and Sarah is definitely gay. Although @Krodmandoon is, as usual, right when he says she may be bi… Alice mentions this to the MC after one of the visits to Sarah’s house.


One of the main debug tricks I used was to find out what lacy was saying in the bar. Then edit the game to add a single line of code to the correct event trigger in lacy’s bar scene. This line of code would alter a variable that I thought was wrong. Then I would go to the bar and leave over and over until lacy appeared. I’d do her little conversational bar event. Then I’d save and quit the game and edit her file back into form (or just delete the edited file which would revert the game code to the default).

But even this trick requires you to understand the game’s code quite well. (I chose this code section because it was in a separate small file and it was part of an event you could always trigger when you wanted, but that would never trigger when you didn’t want.)

I also had edited the main script file to show like 20 important obscure variables rather than just money and time.

But as far as I can tell 0.7b has 0 gamebreaking bugs. The one mentioned recently is easy to roll back out of and avoid with no consequence. (In other words I don’t think there is any reason whatsoever for anyone to be editing 0.7b because the game works essentially perfectly unedited.)

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I have found a few ways to break the game dialogue by minmaxing her hidden ‘feedee’ and ‘fat acceptence’ variables without triggering weight gain and game progression, resulting in it throwing up some errors, but that’s only really possible though an INSANE level of grinding and there’s no real reason to do so, unless you’re trying to really mess with it.

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Good to hear from you, Tigger! Look after yourself.


I asked Tiggertoo in a personal message about Alice’s fat - what about fat rolls, love handles etc when she’s wearing tight pants. He told me it can’t really be done in Daz3D. Pity, but it’s fine as it is!

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not how i wanted to play :frowning: but im so grateful that you released it cause it was great and i had alot of fun :slight_smile: i do wish youd continue but you do you first and get better and hopefully you get to a point youd want to cause itd be a shame for it to die cause of all this

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@Condenser onden

Yeah, sadly one of the many flaws with Daz studio is that it’s garbage at modelling fat. Easy enough to make characters huge, but nigh on impossible to make them look realistic. Nude/semi-clothed can look half decent (see below pic of a very fat Alice that I mocked up a while ago) if you position/pose the character carefully, but simulating the way fat looks in clothes is very very difficult, and for a game like mine where there are thousands of images, it would take hours of extra work for every image, so not really feasible! Maybe I should just make the characters nude all the time :stuck_out_tongue:

@xpnsnpk Glad you liked it! It’s highly likely I’ll restart work on the game at some point in the near future. I’ll just do things a bit differently…