The Weighting Game - WIP

i ask as i hit the too be continued

Then you are done. The too be continued screen is the end of content. You will not see anything new weight wise and the game may break or be buggy beyond that as it is obviously untested.

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Sorry for the late response. So I did 2 runs before this/ The first one I hit turned off hints too many times so they wouldn’t come back and for the second one, nothing bad happened. For the third one which broke it just disappeared. (Was a new save)

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@anthill33 as always, @Krodmandoon is correct. As the game does say at that point, you’ve hit the end and there’s nothing new after that except probable bugs.

@LightyLight thanks for confirming that. I don’t think anyone else has mentioned this occuring with the latest version, so I’m going to hope it’s a one-off.

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i always fear forgetting about in progress games when i get the the current end of said games. im not good at keeping up with them. even with the notifications

I really liked that in the last version Alice has a feeder attitude with the other female characters. As a suggestion I would like this aspect to be accentuated, and as some people have suggested it would be possible to invite Alice and another girl of your/her choice to your/her house in the evening.
The other female characters could also send us teaser sms like Hannah and Alice.
Finally although a long time ago you seemed not to be enthusiastic about doing it, I would love to see if it was possible to do stuffing sessions with a funnel/tube, but I remember you said you preferred hand feeding.


So I waited like just went to work for a week and her picture is back? Let me know if you want my save file to look at it if you can even see that type of stuff.

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@Elric it’s not so much that I’m against funnel/tube feeding (although I do prefer hand feeding). It’s more a question of what Daz studio assets are available to help me illustrate this. When I was first asked this, I had a look to see if there were any funnel/tube assets that I could utilise and I couldn’t find anything. I’ll have another look and see if anything’s been released since then as I do have a funnel feeding scene in mind for the future which may work.

@LightyLight is your save file from when the picture was missing? If so, feel free to DM it to me. I won’t be doing any more bug fixing for the current version of the game, but it may help when I’m testing the next version :slight_smile:

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It sounds like nothing was bugged and that’s just the part of the plot where she ignores you for a week…

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Nope. Even when she breaks up with you, you should still be able to call her. She just won’t answer the phone.

It is possible there’s still a bug in the routine as the mood indicator on the ‘call alice’ button is new (and was VERY bugged in the test version), but nobody else seems to have this problem with the current version.

TFW you’re sitting watching a movie, have a game idea pop into your head and 30 brainstorming minutes later realise you have NO idea whatsoever what’s going on in said movie :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m stuck on the crucial point where Alice finds out you’re feeding her and will break up with you. I assume the truth is the best option but no matter what I do I keep getting the bad ending. Not the temporary breakup either but the game over. I feel punished for a reason I can’t explain. I made her mood go from Okay to Happy but her sister ruins everything and she acts the exact same as she does what her mood is okay. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.

Any tips? No videos of a play through of this game exist up to the point I’m on. If I can’t resolve this I feel like I need to start all over. Which will be infuriating because it took awhile to get this far. Oh well, its still not as bad as Celestaldente constantly cursing you with sickness and killing you whenever you dare stuff yourself to the maximum.

The happiness level displayed by the meter that was added in game for 0.7 has nothing to do with the actual game over screen. That indicates Alice’s happiness about her weight. As far as I know the game over screen is based on the romance check. If it’s too low you get a game over screen instead of a break up or stay together part of the game. Romance is affected by being a jerk to Alice, teasing her about her weight too early, not going along with her choice at the movies, and if you chose not to complement her at home doing the slushy movie. If your romance is too low during the three options of either admitting you’re a feeder, playing it off, or blaming Alice you get the actual game over screen.

EDIT: also welcome @RABNAD_SKUBLA :sweat_smile:

I’ve been pretty good at being nice to her. I don’t know how to find out how high my romance is with her. I can unlock lewd scenes and even when teased a bit she enjoys it. Unfortunately the value is invisible and I guess it’s a shot in the dark. The game even points me to doom by pointing at the option that unlocks the crucial point only to kill me.

Is there a dialogue change that indicates a higher romance rank? I just tried all three options despite being as nice as possible through various scenarios only to get dumped like a ton of bricks in the end.

She likes being spanked after the restaurant visit. She takes me to the shower. She eats cake after bowling. Everything points to her being in love with me only for her to act like I’m nothing and leave.

The romance level is not something you can see without looking into the code and you’re save file. It’s not something displayed to the player normally. My guess from the sounds of it is you probably teased her too much too early about weight. I’m not versed In the code or the ins and outs of it there are plenty of other talented individuals here with such knowledge but for sure the fail is coming from the romance check. If it’s below a certain threshold you’re going to get the actual game over screen and not the break up part of the game. You should in theory be able to load an earlier save and compliment and agree with her movie choice etc to raise the romance level and avoid this.

My teasing “strategy” of the past was always to test it at certain weight levels and points to see if she responds with positive dialogue and if not to roll back the choice or save and just not tease her until it was positive. Too be honest I was not aware of the game over screen until like 0.6 and have never seen it personally :sweat_smile:

I’m allowed to try raising it as long as she doesn’t come over to my place. When she does that I’m locked in. I did tease her a good bit at one point but it’s confusing because I always told her she didn’t need to diet which I assume really effects her perception of you. Basically I’m in a loop. I can hang out with her as much as I want week after week but her weight won’t rise. I feel kinda upset that the game suddenly punishes you harshly for something you thought you could make up on. It’s deceptive and lures you into a false sense of security. Janet really is a bitch, huh? Her actions shatter the weakest of seemingly strong bonds and cause Alice to despise you.

And in the final dialogue choices before the decisive moment, I pick all the nicest things. Be diplomatic, stand up for her, and tell the truth.

This would only affect her happiness(how she feels about her weight and her need or want to exercise and diet) so her mood has nothing to do with this check. Teasing her this early in the game (when she’s not comfortable with her body and her previous BF broke up with her because she got too fat) is too early. This is literally the only time the game has a punishment mechanic like this and an actual game over there is no other event that leads to a game over.

I didn’t tease her that much.
How far back would I need to go to rectify this? Is being nice to her now futile? Guess I screwed up big time. It seems like going back a week or so does nothing. Kinda wish the game explained the mechanic of making her happy better. The temptation to tease is always there and for more kinky players it’s strong. I feel like what I’ve done is irreversible. I’ve spent 180+ days so far. Really don’t want to have to start all over.

Maybe this is something you could change in an update to make it more apparent that there are harsh consequences for being too tease happy with her early on.

You can tease her ever situation you want to and get to honestly right after this event and she grows to like it and want it. Without knowing what your romance level is at currently, and to be honest not knowing what it needs to be at to pass the check. I wouldn’t be able to tell you how far back you need to reload. @tiggertoo and @namad would probably be able to give you a specific romance required number. I felt the game does a good job of letting you know when teasing doesn’t work with Alice she’s resistant at first and it in my opinion became obvious that she liked it later( also the option of it existing as well an option but not being supported by Alice at first indicates she will eventually be open to teasing).

The only thing to do without literally putting a warning to me is to have a romance meter just like the mood that was adding in 0.7. I really enjoy the game and enjoy playing through it and it would be quite biased of me to just suggest to start over because I personally wouldn’t mind that. However, I understand that not everyone is like me. I will say the upcoming game that you haven’t seen yet and how much content is left is well worth a restart in my biased opinion :slightly_smiling_face:.