The Weighting Game - WIP

I don’t want to be rude or anything, but it seems like you did do something wrong, and if you did that you get slapped in the face with a game over. You screw up? You get a game over, its how it works. I get that you are frustrated, but this game was never meant to just rush through,

The other acivities are not useless, they add to other hidden variables. Most players don’t see the game over screen because they take their time, don’t want to get Alice fat asap. For the longest time I didn’t know anything about hidden variables. At the start of the game you should focus on being a good boyfriend

So like other people say, that means being romantic, taking her to the cinema, going along with her choice. When she watches a movie at your place you can say she is prettier then the woman in the movies, take her out to dinner on saturdays and pay for her.

Reading this will probably frustrate you more, which isn"t my intent at all, I realize that many have said these things before. My point is just that, the games story is build up so brilliantly, it should not have to spoon you all the answers, otherwise Tigger could just remove all choices and have a visual novel without any options at all.

However, I hope that you get to experience the game after the game over screen!


It’s come up I think like 4 or 5 times and it has been the result of “misplay” for lack of a nicer term. I think it’s the large influx of brand new players with tigger making 0.7 free. Normally the game over was from teasing Alice early in the relationship or a newer cause now that Alice can pay for you in 0.7. Since this was a way to make money matter since it did not prior to 0.7 and there was no negative for being in well the negative money wise. Now Alice gets upset with you (rightful so) and you lose romance score from that. Which of course can lead to the game over :sweat_smile:.


This is why I think that it makes total sense that the only possibility for a game over, is where it is. It feels like a check, if you mistreat her or aren’t romantic with her. Why would she want you back?

This way the fact that she will end up a feedee feels earned. It makes Alice feel more like an actual character, a person even. A woman like Alice, who seem to be unaware of the excistance of feedism, won’t just be like “Oh guess I’ll be a feedee then!” It shows that teasing her alot about her weight (which is her biggest insecurity especially due to her last relationship) actuallly hurts her feelings and impacts your relationship, it shows that you actually have to care for her, be romantic, be nice so that when she finds out and dumps you (which is my head canon as I stated before) it feels earned that she wants you back.

However, I’ve also never seen the game over screen haha


same I’ve never have a game over and ive done the game on multiple save files honestly not sure how someone could get a game over let alone didnt know there was a game over.


The break up happening is actually very good. You want the breakup to happen. Why? It’s content. There’s lots of events/scenes/dialogue/plot that ONLY happen during the breakup. If your romance score is high enough to skip the breakup, you miss out on all that writing. Avoiding the breakup actually means you miss out on like 1-2% of the game.

Also as a veteran VN player I save compulsively. So when I got an unavoidable breakup (after intentionally trying to force it to trigger so I could test it’s parameters) I just loaded a save that was 7 days back in the timeline. Then I was able to get past the game over.

One thing I’ve noticed though, is that for every 1 person coming to the thread to ask about the game over, there are like 9 people coming to the thread thinking that the breakup itself is the game over.

I know it might be heavy handed and break the story’s 4th wall, but maybe when you enter the breakup tiggertoo should add to the text of the game a specific message to the player that the game is in fact going just fine?

edit: Also, please note, I haven’t spoiled every single scene event action and variable in the game, there are buttloads and I’m not that interested in spoiling every single one, nor do I remember which ones are which.

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The lie, truth, etc option during the janet alice potential game over scene does matter. This text will be blurredI said you need 20 romance, but that’s if you choose the right option, you really need 20 or 25 or 30 depending on which of the three options you choose. Then you need another 45 additional romance to skip the breakup.

One reason that so few events raise romance? Tiggertoo wants players to experience the breakup. That means he wants most players to easily reach 20 romance but fall well short of 65.

Balance wise I think romance is in a pretty good spot, it being so much rarer than happiness is what helps new players almost always end up inside the 20-65 band range of romance.

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My first run-through of version 0.7b (the one at the top of this thread, which is called 0.7 there, but is actually the largely de-bugged version of 0.7a) I did as fast as possible, had Alice happy most of the way through and no break-up. Didn’t seem to go through the feedee/feeder thing either, just increased her appetite anyway. Second run-through I teased her a bit at the start, did a few less than ideal things so that her mood was just OK. Then I had the break-up, make up, feedee thing etc . Haven’t finished yet but she’s around 310lb, happy and moving toward Lacy moving in with her. I’ve never had an end of game screen, except at the very end. I tried to make her sad but couldn’t find a way to do it! Guess I must be too nice a guy…


If you’re trying to trigger the game over it only happens during the break up and it will be pretty simple to do. Just have no money and make Alice pay for things insult her and tease her early. I don’t know that it’s worth trying to get though. You can literally just call her and insult over and over if you need to.

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Absolutely this! It’s beautifully done. Alice feels real (with just a handful of state variables) and should be treated accordingly. The temporary break-up makes the reconcilliation and subsequent events even sweeter.

I love that the whole premise is basically right there in the title of the game, just three words - it tells you pretty much everything you need to know about how to play and what’s going to happen before you’ve even chosen to download it.

  • The - the definite article, this is the one
  • Weighting - someone is going to get heavy
  • Game - it’s a game, failure is going to be an option, choose wisely
  • And it’s a pun on “The waiting game” - paitence will get you the outcome you desire (also expect humour)

If you hit download and were then surprised you weren’t playing “Fatty speedrun railroaded visual novel” I don’t know what to say, other than you are going to miss a lot of the content.


To be honest, the title was initially just a working one until I thought of something better. But I couldn’t come up with anything more appropriate and it just grew (pun intended) on me, so ‘The Weighting Game’, it was! As you say, it pretty much describes what you’re going to get :slight_smile:

@Krodmandoon yeah, just about all the ‘complaints’ have been from new players who don’t realise how much of a work in progress the game is. Although, considering how many thousands of people have downloaded the game, I’m very happy with how few negative comments have shown up. More by luck than judgement, I must be doing something right!


Neither have I - maybe we should?

Speaking of Jane, I have yet to find her! I went to Becca’s house after her boss asked me to, helped her clear up etc and chose the Woah! option, which I assume rejects her, which I think you have to do to find Jane. What after that? This happened about by Day 165 on my play through. I carried on playing, visiting the gym regularly, inviting Alice home in the evenings, seeing Becca at work sometimes (she’s a bit cool toward me!). Passed day 200 now and no Jane option! Am I missing something still?

They don’t realise what a huge amount of work you have put into it either…

Janet is never an “option” The janet event fires instead of the becca+alice event. It replaces one event which iirc was the finale of 0.4 or 0.5 or whenever it was.

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So one just has to be patient and it might come up?

Follow up on the shoutout for @Krodmandoon: Does the Café have a name yet? Or the Bakery when you take Alice shopping? I’m sure they would be pleased with either.

And since everyone else seems to be weighing in (heh) on this game over deal:
When I played 0.2, I played it straight, took all the choices as they came, and I saw when i teased her back then that she didnt seem to like it; but, right before the break-up, the original cliffhanger, she would start to like the teasing abit.

Fasforward to 0.6, and every time I went to tease her pre-breakup, I got a clear “oh, she didnt like that.” I would hit the back button and simply not choose that option, having to only go back a single line of dialogue. The pre breakup of starting to like it got moved to post breakup, and I never once saw the game over.

I dunno, it might not be the best way to play cause I def missed out on a solid 5% of the content. But when 0.7 came through, I simply waited to tease her till after the “diet,” and I avoided the breakup entirely, which felt great. Now I just do the back button thing for the other girls as I test their waters.

Also at some point I need to go back through and load my split path saves to see what else is different, but my main playthrough I liked all my choices.


Nothing about it is random at all. This is not correct reasoning at all. It literally one for one replaces the scene where becca comes to your house with alice. It’s a pretty famous scene, that you probably remember well. The non-becca version is pretty high tier as well so I definitely think you’ll appreciate it.

Trying not to spoil the actual scene itself, but that just seems to be confusing you.


Presuming you guys mean Janet instead of Jane? :stuck_out_tongue:

After having thought about it a lot over the last few days, I think I might just remove the ‘game over’ possible outcome to the breakup scene. Either that or make it much clearer prior to this that Alice’s romance threshold is dangerously low.

I did think about including an option in the ‘phone alice’ choices to ask her how things are going, but I now think I may put this in the scene where she visits your house (and probably when you visit her house too). We’ll see. It’ll be ages before I get round to it, so still plenty of time to think about it :slight_smile:


I don’t believe it should be removed. At the risk of sounding harsh, for someone to get the actual Game Over it would mean they have no idea how to follow context clues. Literally, just be nice to Alice and the permanent game over is an impossibility. That really shouldn’t be hard. If it is truly hard for any player, that might warrant some personal reflection.


I also agree that the game over shouldn’t be removed - it’s ridiculously easy to avoid (with the apparent exception of KingNovum) because of context clues that Alice gives you.