The Weighting Game - WIP

I think a car could work with restricted camera angles like in a comic sequence where there doesn’t need to be a complete scene for each image in the panel. I think that a full widescreen image featuring a car and a very fat woman is basically just impossible in daz3d unless you’re intentionally making it look silly on purpose.

A lot of car shots though even for thin girls are like, man’s face, car window, blurry scenery, swap back to girl’s face other car window blurry scenery.

I don’t think that style would fit your game at all, as your game doesn’t have the camera angle changing every time the speaker changes between alice and the MC.

It’s also sort of a boring way to give a plot the allure of motion. They’re trying to trick their reader into thinking the plot is moving along nicely, by theming the scene around traveling in a car… but… like that doesn’t work at all in a VN. It only works on like tv or in movies because in film… there really IS constant motion when the scene is literally moving.

A VN is more like an illustrated novel than it is like a movie. So, I do not think this sort of cheap trick makes sense. If alice and the MC go somewhere, they just ARRIVE, blammo, that’ll get the plot moving, just skip the pointless plot device.


I guess its a guessing game if Das Amigos or I guessed plot points correctly lol but I’m glad to hear from you and glad you’ve liked the community feedback and ideas


I’ve just finished the game and must say there’s a lot to be impressed with. Like most people I’d like to share my thoughts about it. Mainly… Hannah.
When I came across this character during the early stages I was excited by her whole package. I enjoyed that the PC was initially guarded, it made sense, he doesn’t like smoking - he’s in an new relationship - she comes on a bit strong, but at this stage I was ready to switch entirely to Hannah.

She’s set up beautifully to contrast with Alice, no doubt everyone is a little frustrated and unfulfilled with Alice at this stage, so when the PC continuously declines her advances I’m like ‘Bro, get in there!’’ She’s got all the vices so I dared to hope that I’d get to make food her new addiction. I thought the PC would start to see her long term value if he played his cards right. Surely a little cigarette smoke is a small price to pay to see what happens to a girl like Hannah when she embraces her gluttony and switches to beer. Hannah is always great but I’d have liked to see her personality rewarded at the start to see a very different progression.


I have some ideas. I’m sorry if some of the ideas are already in the game, I still haven’t finished the game.


  • It would be great to have additional scenes like a shower scene since we already see Alice with a towel in the gym. It would be nice that the MC and Alice can shower together and maybe even more.

-Since Alice is one that like to indulge when eating, it would be good to participate in a eating contest (maybe dessert since she loves chocolate). Even it can include another character like Becca and Hannah since they want you. The three of them competes to see which can eat more. Maybe they can make a bet of some kind that includes the MC.

Other Characters:


  • Since she is the type that wants the MC and will do anything. I read in the comments and it would be great for her to be a cam girl or even an bbw model. She even invites the MC to the events like bikini shoots, signatures booth, cosplay, etc and can happen some malfunctions that the MC can view.

-While she enjoys to be fed by the MC. Make more scenes like being fed on the work, in the park or even your house with or without Alice. Maybe in some of the feeding session her clothes gets riped. It can reach a point that she is to heavy to work and decides to only work remotely. And she ask the MC to be her feeder and gets paid.

Waitress(Sorry that I don’t remember the name)
-Since she has problems living with the landlord, by coincide there’s a house sale in the MC street and becomes your neighbor. You can view her when she picks up the newspaper or you can visit her and you see her eating sweets like the cake on the cafe. As you progress with her, you will see her that she keeps gaining weight and maybe falls for you since you accept her as she is.

-Another idea is that while Alice gets to meet the other girls, she might accept them for a feeding session and the MC can feed them.

I have played this game for a while and want to congratulate you for doing an awesome game. This is one of my favorite games.


Will reply to all these when i get my pc back… its currently at the local computer store, hopefully getting the overheating issue fixed!

edit still bloody waiting. It’s been a week now and im getting withdrawal symptoms from not being able to work on the game! Time for a less polite phonecall :stuck_out_tongue:


I had an overheating issue with mine, but turned out it was purely a game thing. Ark 1.5 has shittily optimized evening / morning light and it’d push GPU temperature to 100°C from the baseline of 78 No other game does it…

I had to drop pixels rendered to like 1/10th before it’d stop pushing GPU into the too hot zone. No other game did it, C2077 in ultra runs at 75-80,

Reported it on the forums, nothing. Maybe they fixed it in the months since.


Hey by the way! Question for Tigger or any testers who have somehow played even longer than I have lol

Is it possible to keep up with Alice’s weight with your fitness? I know that your fitness determines whether or not you can support her weight in certain scenes, but I was wondering if it was even possible to carry her at her largest later sizes?

Obviously, mashing the Gym button is expensive, costly to energy, and not that fun.

But theoretically, if I had maxed out fitness somehow, is it possible for the player to carry Alice at her fattest sizes, and not have us struggle to pick her up, or her crawling up the stairs?

This is more out of curiosity than anything, but I DO think more fitness checks/tests, like supporting the other girls’ weights, would be a good use of the gym.


No to my knowledge in 0.7 there’s always a time that eventually you will struggle to lift Alice off the couch. You can postpone that to happening later depending on fitness level. Not sure what the check is that is needed for the at home scene though, so I couldn’t tell you how much working out is needed. But eventually the player can’t keep lifting her in the same way.

Also there’s some minor dialogue differences depending on the players fitness level within a few of the repeatable scenes per stage.


Thanks! I had some burning curiosity about the variance there


Wahey, FINALLY got my PC back yesterday! Just over two bloody weeks for them to fit upgraded fans to the case… no way I’ll be using that computer store again, although the PC does seeem to be running a lot cooler so far. The real test will be when I start rendering again at the weekend. FIngers crossed!

@LuMasoni I’m afraid there’s no chance of the MC gaining weight, at least not visually. I’d have to rerender every image that he appears in to show the higher weight, and that’d be a hell of a lot of work, especially as I’m not into male weight gain so I’d find it kinda boring. I have thought in the past about doing something along those lines textually, as I know a few people like it, but it’s a visual game and just text would feel like cheating.

Becca won’t be sacking the MC just because his muscles aren’t big enough. He’d have her at an industrial tribunal quicker than you can say double pepperoni.

@charfire2002 no plans to involve parents/grandparents at present, other than the occasional mention of Alice’s mum. I’m trying to concentrate oin the fun aspects of fatness, not parential bugging/nagging to lose weight.
@namad I have experimented more than once with cars and yeah, it really is difficult to get decent interior images, especially with a character that isn’t the default Daz size (i.e. perfectly slim). As you point out, I prefer the implication that the characters have driven to a location, rather than wasting time with pointless images. I will revisit this at some point though, as see if I can come up with something feasible, as a lot of people seem to be keen on the idea.

@destructive_orgy It’s more by luck than design that I seem to have found a nice trade-off between the characteristics of Alice and Hannah. Hannah was originally going to be a lot nastier than she turned out. And would Hannah put on weight so easily if she still had smoking to fall back on? :wink:

@ghostpr1 There’s already a shower scene, of course, after Alice and the MC go running. No plans on any eating contests, I’m afraid. I’m English and those sort of things aren’t really known over here. Hannah does have a job but nothing along the lines of what you’re suggesting, I’m afraid.

@R.B I only have overheating problems with two programs. Unfortunately, one of them is/was Daz studio whilst running renders (the other was the game Manor Lords which is very early access, so it’s allowed to be unoptimised at this point).

@Muffintopmanor1 Player fitness ‘should’ affect how far into the game you can lift Alice, but like so many things in 0.7, it’s glitchy at best. Is hopefully fixed now, so that the fitter you stay, the longer you can lift her. Up until a point, at least :wink: I’m with you on the gym being a bit too costly. The price may well get tweaked at some point.


Does anyone know if there are any archived versions of the older versions of this game ? I only found this site after the project had been started up again. So I have only ever played 0.7 and I like to play older versions of games here and seeing the differences in art and such.


There are probably some floating around, but you’re really not missing much. They’re just less of the same game, but with more bugs :stuck_out_tongue:

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Okay thanks good to know. I was mainly intrested in dropped plotlines and some of the early images I’ve seen looked to be different like them main menu art


If you can write code there’s really no reason to rely on a computer shop. (unless we’re talking about a laptop).

Watch a good youtube video on it and you’re good. Especially if it comes to switching fans lol. It’s a lego, basically.


@Heretoseestuff Yeah, I changed the menu picture, but that’s pretty much the only thing I actually disgarded. I don’t think I changed any of the plot stuff, although it’s so long since i worked on that version that it’s hard to remember for sure… I’m gnerally pretty happy with the story, so IIRC all the work was on enhancing what was there, rather than removing bits.

@R.B I stupidly thought it’d be a one day job - two at the most. I was having a lot of overheating issues, so thought I’d get someone allegedly professional to sort it out. If I’d known it was going to take two weeks, i’d have done it myself :stuck_out_tongue: To be fair, they seem to have done a good job. Got six fans now instead of the original two and the case feels much cooler :slight_smile: Not had time to do any renders this weekend to test it though. Been dialled into my work computer most of the time. F**king clients with impossible deadlines…


If the MC gaining weight were ever to be done, thinking about minimizing workload maybe it could function somewhat like so

  • more of a late (or second part at most) game feature, so less need to go back and redo images to accommodate
  • make it a binary choice (you either enable it or not) and tied directly to Alice’s weight, so they co-exist
    Still more work, but more manageable than making a second edition of the entire game with redone content. Obviously doesn’t matter because not happening, but tiny thought experiment at least.

Yeah, it’s realistically not going to happen, I’m afraid.

Even if I was into it, just doing images for the late stage of the game would mean adding probably a minimum of 500 or more renders.

I think the closest we’re going to get will be the pic below. It’s one of a series that I posted on Patreon a while back entitiled ‘What If’, with the caveat that they would almost certainly never happen.


I have a problem where I have to choose between 3 options but whatever I choose it will always lead to gane over. What do I do ?


That’s the break up event. I don’t know how it works to a T but bassiclly alice has a stat called affection or something. complements, seeing the movie she wants to see and such makes it go up. teasing her, not having enough money to pay for things makes it go down.

If you affection is too low once you get to the breakup event you get a game over. you need to go back and raise the affection to get one of the other options.

Pretty sure there was a link to a save that was already past that event posted somewhere though if you want to use that though.


Welcome @Mob_Master to weight gaming.

I have walkthrough/FAQ linked in the first post. Following it will make sure you don’t hit the game over during the break up event. In the event you need to start over.

The game over happens because of a variable the game tracks (that is not trackable by the player) called romance score. If romance score is too low during the break up event you will trigger a permanent game over screen. Rather than getting the intended temporary break up that happens during the normal playthrough with high enough score. This will require you to reload to an earlier save and raise romance score or start over.

Some easy ways to increase romance score include, going on the fancy restaurant date on the weekend, sharing your pastry with Alice when shopping. Going along with her choice at the movies and complementing her. Cooking dinner for Alice when she is not too full at the player’s house (you can see this when she says the line about her mom). During the slushy movie telling her you prefer the way she looks compared to the heroine on screen.

Things that lower it are teasing Alice about her weight too early in the game, or not having money to pay for things when going out. Basically a bit before you hit the break up event you are free to tease her but I would just wait until the break up even happens when playing through for the first time. To make sure you don’t trigger the game over.

With that out of the way I personally would recommend possibly starting over or at least going back far enough that you can raise romance score to not trigger the game over. Since you can’t track it in game it might be quite low if you teased her quite often. But you will need at least a bit of time to do events and raise it up. Which is why it might be better to start over.