Werefatty 1.0

I know for myself I prefer female content over male content, but I also know a decent amount of users like male content. If you did a poll I’m sure you’d get more exact numbers of the difference and that could help you make your final decision.


thanks for the suggestion!

What do ya’ll like?

  • Female Preference
  • Neutral Preference

0 voters

Alright so the votes are in, female preference it is, sorry to anyone who isn’t into that, hopefully I’ll be able to program in a gender selection later on, but yeah its a lot of work.

for anyone who is worried about the story being extremely genderized, don’t be, its literally just gonna be some slight details to the background of the story and some details in a few paths, it won’t make too much of a change to it except some paths. Also question, how do people feel about a nerdy transformation in this?

  • Nerd shit
  • Pls no nerd shit

0 voters

Alright, nerds it is. Plus…maybe a little spoopy surprise is coming out soon.

Alright so its a little short of what I promised but hopefully I’ll have a full comprehensive update tomorrow, I really got way too into this one path and editing past ones.

Yeah, about that tomorrow thing, I’ve gotten into a little rut between school and this, plus a little writer’s block. It may be out sometime soon, can’t say when…sorry yet again.

GUESS WHO…anyway check out my last update for the time being, there are some certain things I changed.

Is there a way to find Jill?

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Sorry about the very, very late response, been a while since I’ve been on here, as far as I remember there is an ending with her. I think it was a secret ending.

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