Working on a game, but lack art skills.

TL;DR: WG Dungeon game, need sprites & will provide a list, there’s no rush on when they need to be finished.

I’m working on a game called Big Big Dungeon, a 2D Roguelike card combat game revolving around Weight gain and/or Inflation inspired by SomeoneInflative’s Voracious Riches game. I felt like expanding on the game idea to flesh it out more.

Issue being I lack artistic skills. Currently the game uses placeholder sprites in place of what I would like to use, and while I could manage something I’d rather not spend months on a single sprite while balancing programming.

So if anyone is interested in creating sprites for the game, let me know! I can provide a list of different sprites needed, currently the game is using pixelated art placeholders but that can be changed to fit someone’s strong suits. There’s no rush or time limit to when I need these finished, I’m still working on the map generation algorithm and refining the current systems in place.

You can discuss things here or with me on discord.
My discord is broitslate