(1.2 release) [Fatgeria] Feeding Russian noble girls into immobility!

Wouldn’t that be just saving over that file, or are you talking about something else?

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Actually, I did try to draw some lactation alts for Lera, I think they looked good. Lactation is definitely in the picture, but I won’t be adding more curses next update. The patch after the next one will contain all the curse flavour text that was previously lacking and expand on the system overall. First, I need to finish Lera’s framework as it is the biggest task for 1.2, can’t add that much more new content.
As for sensitivity… I would say “why not” if I wasn’t writing all the girls as very sensitive already. I guess it is possible to hyperbolize it even further…

Sadly, this will really bite me in the back in the future. Some of the curses-exclusive texts pop up in the middle of ordinary scenes, without proper planning they may start looking out of place or weird, as if they were shoehorned (and that much would be true) there. So I kinda need to work even on the niche stuff right now to make work in any capacity in the future.

Ha-ha you are giving me a bit too much credit here, because if you rush Galina’s weight gain she will absolutely tank her health to 0 before day 30. But I think I will put a cap on her health loss (around 50 maybe?) without additional curses in the next update.

I think I will rack up the amount of saves to 12 in 1.3, wasn’t as easy as I thought.

Both can happen in 1.1, you can delete the saves from main menu by pressing “/”.

Everyone, behold my magnus opus! Gallery function!

It’s very advanced, would never be able to do it several years ago when I was just starting out making the game. But key features are:

  1. Images get saved between runs and updates
  2. Different versions of the same picture (for weight stages) can be accessed by pressing Space while viewing the picture
  3. Pictures will also have flavour text in the future
  4. Pictures are semi-sorted

I also fixed a very random bug that sometimes appeared in the form of half a black screen in certain situations. Very satisfied with how many bugs I’ve fixed already.

And Milana WG drive P2 is coming along nicely, too.

— key


NICE! Also I don’t mind if the drive lasts for so long. The longer it goes on, the more time for Milana to accumulate fat. Lets make a HUGE first impression :wink:.


I am subscribed to the Patreon but whenever I click on the 1.1 download link at the top, it just takes to me to the newest Lera art.

Anyone have a link to the post?

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Hi! I saw your post on Patreon. It appears you have first level sub, and you need the second level. If you scroll low enough through all the Lera weight gain, you will find a link to itch with 1.1.
Please, contact me again if you have any more troubles.

— key

I’m playing through the first time and I have a couple quick questions. Can all three girls gain weight or just the one you started with? Is Galina the only one with Inspect as an option or can I unlock the option with the other two? Thanks

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Only Galina can gain weight in the current version.

Valeria will have her first set of weight gain content in the next update.


once i get the steam version, how do i install the following weight gain patches?

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DM me the proof of purchase and I will send you the link to the standalone folder of the new update.

— key

How to properly fatten Galya? I’m going through the game completely, and it’s almost the same as at the beginning

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Welcome to weight gaming @steb_pro.

You need to interact with and feed Galina through the options in the classroom.


ill share it when i have it. for the meantime im sorry i alerted you this way.

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Time for patch notes!

As usual, the actual development took a bit more time than expected, but this update is coming along much better than the last. This patch is massive, we really went all out on it. Here is the full list of changes:

New Content:

  • 3 new weight stages for Valeria
  • 4 stuffing stages for Valeria
  • New character status screen (for Galina and Lera, showing body figures, health status, weight, stomach size and fullness)
  • Dozens of autistic rants from Lera
  • 100k characters of new text
  • Full voice acting for new Lera content
  • 36 new art pieces

New Events:

  • 3 new dates with Galina (at water park, weight stages 1-3)
  • 3 dates with Lera at the gym
  • 3 dates with Lera at the cafe
  • 3 new intimate scenes with Lera

New Mechanics:

  • Ability to sabotage Lera’s diet
  • Option to make Lera give up veganism
  • Feed Lera various “nutritious” shakes
  • New interactions with Lera if she gets a crush for you
  • Ability to monitor Lera’s bank expenses to track food spending
  • Skip already read text (progress saves between game saves)
  • Gallery of unlocked art (transfers between saves)
  • 4 new save slots

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed bug with always visible stretch marks
  • Fixed bug with invisible Kirill after the thugs kidnapping scene
  • Fixed bug preventing beer/wine gifting to Galina
  • Reduced probability of soft-lock when viewing pictures
  • Fixed double phone click soft-lock issue
  • Players now must spend all three skill points in prologue before continuing

— key


Is it still on the Itch page? Not seeing it anywhere.

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whoops didn’t see the date in the corner, sorry about that.

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Damn, I miscounted… The amount of new CGs is actually 40. It’s just so many of them.

— key


after three hours of going through nwjs flags (and other scary things) I found out that the black screen problem on Linux occurs if you select Russian in the settings. LOL.

P.S. if i choose English i can see a number of phrases about the world and so on, after which the screen is black again. sad.

P.S. version is 1.044 (from itch)

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this is the last thing I see before the black screen (if i choose English language)

May someone send a screenshot of what should happen right after this?

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This is actually huge. I think the problem lies in the opening cutscene being in the format that is not supported by Linux. Maybe if I change the extension, Linux users will be able to finally play the game?

Alright, it’s done! Second part of Milana’s drive came out just before the release of 1.2!


What do you think her weight will be at the last stage?

— key