"A Certain Adventurer" Japanese WIP WG Game

Sorry if I’m a little dumb, but when I try to download the most recent version and launch it, I’m hit with “Your file was not found”, if anyone knows how I can solve this, it’d be very appreciated.

Did you extract the game to your desktop or open it straight from the zip file? I just gave it a test and did not experience that issue.

I’ve been trying to play this game for a while now, but every time I try to extract it I get this error message and idk what to do at this point…

open the .rar file, then CTRL + E, select japanese, then extract. after that copy the 2 files of the translation and paste inside the .www folder inside the original game and that’s it

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It’s a dumb bug with Win 7. There are solutions if you search online. Here’s one that uses winrar like mentioned above.


Now that we’re talking about the game… got a question, does the MC has sprites to the different weigh stages or not?

No, there’s only 1 size for MC currently.

Thank you, I don’t usually download games that originally use different languages.


OP, could you post some of the fanart of this game you mentioned? I haven’t been able to see it on the author’s twitter.

Also, I’ve played through what seems to be all the content, and haven’t been able to find these “alternate home locations.” I thought it’d be something like Nana and the butler being able to move into one of the towns, to cut down on walking time, and there are a bunch of inaccessible houses that looks like they’d fit this purpose, but if this is a thing, I haven’t seen it.

I wasn’t able to find the OP changelog for chapter 3 on the pixiv or the author’s twitter, either, so how did you come across this info? DMs with the author? Just wanna know if I missed anything that’s public.

I really enjoy these text-only Japanese RPGMaker games like Money in the City and the other game by the same guy which unfortunately was taken down from weightgaming. For a lot of people, no art is a dealbreaker, but I personally prefer it, especially in RPGMaker where it’s usually kind of awkward to have fat versions of these little chibi sprites imo

EDIT: nvm about the fanart, I found it. Just confused it for a retweet unrelated to the game at first


Not completely sure, but I think that “alternate home locations” just means more rooms at home. Storage room and pantry were not in the previous build, as far as I remember.


The author did DM when he released the latest version but it didn’t have a change log attached besides the vague words I had originally included which came straight from the release. Since someone asked about it, I made up my own since I had time to play through it. I’ll change the wording of the alternate home locations part, since yeah, it’s not correct.

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I hope the author continues to work on this game - the amount of finished WG JRPGs of this sort is way too low. Similar games like Princess Feed and Suzuka’s Daily Life sadly seem to be left unfinished.

If I were to add onto this game myself, instead of going forward with higher weight stages, I’d write more unique dialogue for the stages that are already there. With the absence of art, interactions like these are the strength of a text-only game. I think the questgiver at the guild hall should comment on Nana’s weight, as should the traders you escort in one of the quests. It’d be funny if after a certain weight point, Nana eats most of the food the traders are hauling and doesn’t get any payment as a result. Or maybe, for the waste disposal mission, she eats into the main stock of the bakery instead of just the leftovers, and gets banned from doing that mission from there on.

One thing I dislike is the upgrade thing at the north ruins. It takes a long time to raise your weight and none of the upgrades there are really worth doing the grind over again. If it were me, I’d scrap that whole concept entirely, though that’s mostly just because I think weight reset features in these kinds of games robs the gain of a feeling of permanence, even though you can only do it 4 times in this game.


I demand the source, right now!

Here is a link to the original tweet: https://x.com/7sUFYFhySFsdKN0/status/1787471137863356676

Honestly I am fine with the resets if the games gets some dialog to help them feel like an actual progression of the story and not just some buffs at the end. People being confused about how the MC lost that weight so fast, some comments about them putting on weight again and finally the MC being a bit panicked if they are informed about the last reset.

My point being that this kind of thing can work to get around the issue of lack of permanence but its a lot more effort. (Wouldn’t hurt to make the weight pile on easier the second go around.)

Heck there is a decent idea there for an entire game concept. MC needs money and there is a reset altar that will give someone 1 million gold if they rest with an absurdly high weight. Have some cheap reset options that make the weight gain easier and then have a few different endings based on how many of the ‘upgrades’ the MC took. Buy everything and the MC ends up fat again post ending, buy only a few and the MC is able to stay skinny after paying off the debt.


Yeah, if the game was built around it, I could see it working, but it just seems tacked-on a lot of the time. And, for a game like this, there are a bunch of practical problems with weight resets.

I think most people would agree that having a bunch of different NPCs respond to your character’s shifts in weight is a strong point of these life sim style games, and when the weight is only going in one direction, up, it’s simple. You just have a bunch of flags that are triggered whenever the weight surpasses the set thresholds. But, if the weight can be reset to 0, there are a bunch of complications I can imagine. Now every NPC has to have unique dialogue written so they can react to the sudden weight loss, and certain flags would have to be reset.

For example, my previous idea of Nana in this game being banned from a certain mission - if you wanted to include this in a game, you’d need to have a scene of her being unbanned after the reset, or at least have some kind of dialogue accounting for this. But if it’s mostly one-way, you never have to worry about flags like this being reset.

Even in ‘A Certain Adventurer’ as it is now, there are problems, like Doa’s diary not updating for it. Also coding errors, like Nana’s tiredness messages while walking, for the near-maximum weight, not properly being updated when your weight is reset. These are all headaches that could be avoided by just not having this feature at all. IMO it’s not worth going through all this effort to fix problems introduced by this upgrade feature that doesn’t add much anyway.

The only thing about this feature I like is Nana being worried/panicked if you try to use it after all the charges are used up. But just to see that dialogue, you’d have to grind for the four upgrades for hours upon hours which is why I just used a save editor.


The author says on his Twitter that he’s working on the 4th edition of the game, but in the meantime has opened a Pixiv Fanbox page where a short story “that didn’t make it into the game” has been posted. The story’s in Japanese and behind a paywall (300 yen) so I doubt many here will be reading it but posting it anyway


Maybe what we actually need is to see the fat sprites of the MC is good to see that the character moves slower at higger weight stages but we need the sprites… just in my opinion…

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Personally I never really huge on the sprites (most games seem to use the same ones but I don’t remember where they came from)

RPGmaker is already kinda chibi-like, and this game (technically doesn’t I guess, but nothing else really happens) caps out after 130kg or so? and even then that last 30 I’m counting is nothing more than your wakeup voiceline.

Anyway I think it’d be kinda silly to throw in the sprite with their belly dragging on the floor for that, and before that it’d just be a handful of pixels wider or something.

If anything, I’d like the way maid on vacation did it - by throwing up character art when you took a bath - but author seems to have said already he wasn’t interested in doing this.


final? update appears to have dropped according to their twitter

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