"A Certain Adventurer" Japanese WIP WG Game

I found this game “A certain Adventurer”, recently from following some Japanese twitter posts. The creator is ky and their twitter is here.

It’s about a girl from an affluent family living out on their own (with their butler) to strike it out as an adventurer. The world itself is pretty bare bones, but there are a few quests. Where it shines is the weight gain/loss mechanic. The player can gain weight by over eating store bought items or eating at restaurants or at home and will get hungry/tired from doing jobs and quests. The player can also train their skills at a facility which will cause weight loss. You can keep track of weight via a portable scale and the comments when bathing or dressing up. Currently, its only text descriptions for weight and it is unclear if they intend to use images. The twitter account already has fan art so you never know.

It seems like the creator is planning on at least once a month updates which I’ll try to keep up with. I have provided a crappy google English translation below for your convenience. Just drop the folder into the root folder of the game. If anyone has a better name for the butler than Door (ドーア), please let me know. Turns out the name is a form of “Adore”, as the butler has some hidden feelings for his charge. For now I’m using “Doa” for his name.

The current version can be found here. You will need a pixiv.net account to view. Just DL the megalink inside.

Translation files can be DLed here
ACertainAdventurerCh4Trans.zip (204.5 KB)

Go to the pixiv link above and DL the mega link. Install the game by extracting the folder.
DL the translation files.
Copy and paste the contents of the translation files on the game folder you previously extracted.

Change Log:
2024/10/28 - Chapter 4
— No creator notes here, just updated translation files

2024/06/30 - Chapter 3

Most of the things that were listed as unimplemented have been implemented.
There are also modifications and adjustments to existing elements.

  • Doa’s Diary Updates
  • New home basement locations
  • New character Melisa in the woods town
  • Clothing shop in the woods town.

Thank you for translating it, the game seems like it has a lot of potential

i extracted the translation files into the extracted game folder but it unfortunately wasn’t translated

yeh I’m getting failed to load character errors and no translation it seems. I’m guessing something has gone wrong. I’ve even tried re-downloading the game and starting from scratch setting it up.

You need to overwrite the contents of the data folder and the js folder. If you copied it over, and there were no overwrites, then it was placed in the incorrect location. I verified the files contain the correct content, so if you are having additional issues, DM me and we can get to the bottom of the issue.

This is the present issue I’m having.

I thought it was just a corrupt download at one point.

I’m guessing its to do with the Japanse characters etc. I seem to recall in other titles you had to extract the game a certain way or something. I have copied and over-ridden the contents of the files

You may be correct about the locale stuff. I’ve had my permenantly set to Japanese for years so I don’t deal with this particular issue. My www/img/character folder looks like this. If you are getting unicode characters, look online for a tutorial to get around this.
Screenshot 2024-06-13 235131

Yep it was what I suspected.

I had unicode showing up so I extracted the Zip again using winrar with the name encoding on Japanese shift.

I can play the game. Though now trying to install the translation mod doesn’t seem to be working (I’ve tried extracting the translation as both default and Japanese name encoding and also coping the files over multiple ways). I think it’s something to do with the Japanse encoding or something again though. Hopefully some-one else knows the last bit ti fix this issue.

Update, fixed it (for those who need to kmow and did my screw up) you also have to copy the translation into the WWW game folder not just the main folder.

Thanks for the translation, this seems like a really promising game, especially if there are continued updates in the future.

Really not understanding how to translate the game. I tried copying the translated files over and replacing the old ones, title screen is in japanese and its still looking for missing Japanese files. Tried extracting the files while 7zip is Japanese, still didn’t work. Not really sure what to do, I’m pretty bad at this kind of thing.

I’ve created a new version of the translation DL. Try DLing that and see if it overwrites more files this time. There’s something odd about this game having duplicate files.

It’s the weirdest thing, I DLed the game and successfully extracted it with the Japanese encode. But then the moment I apply the translation (either to the game folder ‘とある冒険者’ or the subfolder ‘とある冒険者/www’) something breaks.

When I try boot up the game it boots up a completely different Japanese RPGmaker game that I’ve downloaded. I know it works pre-translation, so not sure how it could suddenly change directory to a different game like that

EDIT: think OP just uploaded the wrong translation file lmao

:shushing_face: You didn’t see nothing.
(Proper file has been uploaded in OP)

Copy the Tranlsation files into the normal file and the WWW folder too, that fixed it for me.

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this looks promising but i think i’ll wait for a proper English translated build

I don’t think that will ever happen, honestly…the developer only writes in Japanese so hoping for a translated build won’t change anything. Feeder Fantasy is an exception but that’s only because we got a group of people actively working together with its creator

There have been multiple Japanese language games that have a manual english translation due to members of the community being kind enough and taking the time to translate the game to english. There’s always a chance a fan might want to put in the effort to do a manual translation, although granted it is less likely.

Feeder Fantasy had a full non machine english translation from some of those same members with multiple mods released before the most recent modded versions with ver 4.0 and 5.0. And I may be mistaken but I don’t believe the group you’re thinking of is working with the original creator at all. Fallboy is not associated with the modded project to my knowledge.


Bumping this for a new update release. The dev has released chapter 3 and I’ve updated the translation files. See the original post (OP) at the top for updated links and change log.


excuse me… but what’s new in this new update?