yep it finally did to… well shotra… I am still making the map of twine for the story i
l post the link to tell me what i did wrong here A dragon's life (twine reboot) by maria-hearts. I still need help on few things like make a path unplayable for now. add feeding fuction to the girls and also add money to buy foods for the girls.
issue is u cant play it so hopefully thats fixed
I think you exported the source code since the file is a .twee file maybe that’s why we cannot run it.
I got it so i could read the first page but i had to do it on my phone, but theres nothing to click on advanced, idk if that all thats there for now or if it just doesn’t work on a phone properly. Hope you figure it out it looks really promising
sorry i am still learning how to do it… i barely can do that basic… sorry
- Download game file.
- Go to Twine page.
- Open online Editor.
- Import download file.
- Play in browser.
It would be easier if the game file was already in HTML-Format.
Now for the game: The grammar is BAD and the viewpoint (the person out of wich perspective the game is played/told) is of a very imature person. That would not be a problem if not because of a lack of neutral storyteller. It becomes grating fast.
dude no need be be rude… i swear people like you make thinking quitting making games…
you asked for feedback
sorry i am emotional time bomb sometimes… i try us Grammarly… not paid. so there are limit bad saying.
this what i got so far. i just learn to close the path and how to open them i still plan the of girls and be 3 ending… one of them is have kingdom full of people since the mc do own a empty kingdom… if you have any idea to add feel free to tell me as long it relate to the game.
welp i thought i get it right but then a guts punch this happen and i get it right too… what i did wrong?
never mind… i forget put in the << / if >> like an idiot…
hey should i add feature on feeding the girls with the food you buys, or take them out to feed them
- feed the girls with the food you buys
- take the girl out to their favorite place to eats
ok good news… i an slightly better. Bad news… i am having trouble with adding the girls weight. head up I am using sugarcube program. With javascript language. if there someone can help me what to do on it. please help me on that. I do want to finish soon for those who want to play it.
y’know, kinda surprised this doesn’t have the ai tag considering it seems used at least more than moderately
edit: well now you just added it, don’t just say that, just say you added it.
…it does… look at the tags
ok someone tell me for the girls weight change i have do this <<set $girlsweight to 0>> then <<set $girlsweight to $girlsweight + 1>> for feed them foods… but i might be wrong
more updates. the roadmap really getting big… i also add page for characters for you learn on. I hope you like that detail.
Well bad news… reason i don’t have any update because i have to factroy reset and forget to save the progress on my external hard drives…