A Fattening Idle Game

Hello, everyone! This is my very first post here, so let me know what’s up! You can call me Xander, and I’m not super active anywhere in the community of fat-lovers or anything like that, save for a DeviantArt profile where I just silently favorite things I find appealing every now and again lol! So if I seem awkward or even standoffish, it’ll just take some getting used to.

This past week I’ve been rather feverishly working on an RPG Maker MV game where you stream yourself feeding a woman (currently only known as “the subject”) in front of an audience of people. The more your audience enjoys the stream (and simply the fatter the subject gets) the more money you earn, which in turn could be spent on more food to feed her with. This becomes a pretty crazy feedback loop in the late game lol.

This game isn’t necessarily a true idle game, because the subject can’t gain weight indefinitely without some sort of player input (however occasionally), but you can theoretically earn money forever by doing nothing. Once you buy the Auto Feeder, you should be able to leave the game running while you clean the house or something and just check in on your Auto Feeder storage every now and again (the storage is unlimited so you could have the Auto Feeder running for several real life hours if it’s full enough).

There are multiple weight gain multipliers at the start of the game which lets you choose how quickly the subject would gain weight, and the hardest (“Realistic”) setting could take several hours for her to get over even the first “growth state” (the size of the visual sprite), so if you choose that setting, be prepared for a LOOOOONG game.

Check it out here and give me some feedback:


To balance out apples you could set a capacity limit, meaning that she can only eat X foods in a given period. That makes more calorie dense foods more appealing

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Oh yeah, I was meaning to give her a stomach capacity, I’ll have to play with that idea again! Thanks for the suggestion!

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I found something which I’m not sure if it is a bug or not. I bought the Auto-Feeder right from the start after waiting a bit to get the 10000G, and for some reason, any money I gain before I get the daily 2000 disappears once the day shifts, making it so I always find myself with exactly 2000G at the start of each day, no more, no less.

Edit: Also, the Auto-Feeder doesn’t seem to give any like. Seems like the viewers don’t like it.

Edit 2: the 2 weeks of daily money are gone, and now, I start each day with 0G.

Edit 3: Nevermind, I found out about why I start the day with 0. It’s the daily cost of the Auto-Feeder, right?

Yes, that would be the issue, I’ll update the game with a new check to make sure that doesn’t happen! Thank you!

Also, the auto feeder not doing anything means it doesn’t have any food stored in it! If the feeder is turned on, all food that you buy from the shop will be automatically placed in the feeder’s storage (with twice the calories!) when you leave the shop menu. (If the buzzer sound isn’t playing, that means it’s not turned on)

Edit: On second thought, I don’t know if there is a way to fix this, not without resorting to giving you free money at the end of the day, defeating the whole purpose of a bill. To combat this, though, I recommend standing by the subject and giving her belly rubs- this will increase your likes which will give you money and contribute to your follower count.

The auto feeder was turned on and had a lot of food stored in it, feeding the girl constantly, but the viewers were not giving any like, and as a result, I was getting almost no followers.

Are you checking the stats screen (at the computer) and looking to see if ‘food eaten’ and ‘lifetime calories’ stats are going up?

Yep, they were going up.

This isn’t an issue I’ve run into, and I’ve done a lot of play testing. Though I guess I haven’t varied my strategy enough. The game kind of relies on you feeding the subject a lot and playing with her belly (just to get started). If you want to go the ‘waiting for 10k’ route, I still suggest you spend at least the first 6K on food.
Anyways, I suggest you give her lots of belly rubs, especially at the start of the day.

Well, this is embarrassing… I just found out that I must have deleted an element that was important for tracking weight gained from apples after all my fuss of apples being too overpowered… lol! I’ll update the game ASAP to fix this. This must have been the very last thing I did before uploading it.

Updated to 0.1.2 with some bug fixes!

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This is really promising. I’ve been enjoying it, I love some laser-focused weight gain and this gets right into it. Excited to see how large our subjects can eventually get, I usually really like idle type games because they go to such insane numbers. If we’re gonna be “the biggest” streamer…well, what could that entail?


Oh it was just a turn of phrase, there isn’t going to be any weight gain for the player character haha! (that would require me to make and animate a full 4-directional sprite for each “growth state” and I’m just not ready to commit to that for this game.) In future games, though… we’ll see :wink:

0.2.0 Update

Here! There’s a pretty hefty list of things added and changed in this update! But most importantly, I need help writing comments to be interesting and fun to read. Click through to find the Google Form to help diversify the comments in the game a bit!

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Found the culprit behind the visual weight bug, so I need your keen eyes to help me find out all the weights she changes unexpectedly at! Be sure to report to me any weight that you find her shifting at!

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A new update is here! Not as big as the last one, but it does include a new key feature!


The full-release is a-go!!! The demo version and the paid version are the exact same except you could make the subject MUCH fatter in the paid version :yum:

will there be more updates and more weight stages? ima try the full game later

Yup! I plan to get the subject to fill up the whole room eventually :slight_smile: and besides that, I’ll definitely be adding new foods, and who knows what else! I do have another project in mind- much more advanced and story-driven than this- so updates will be slower from here on out, but they WILL happen!

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If you paid for this game and never got it, or you double paid, it’s very important that you read this!