A Huge Hallow's Eve 3 - RPG Maker collaboration by PeachClamNine, GrimMimic and me

Good game but very lagging

For me the yellow keycard is not obtainable either. The whole Sales Floor is not reachable by the elevators.

Did you go through all the dialogue with the good doctor in the break room, including info for the levels?

Yes. Before entering the office floor.
Than tested all option of the elevator and went through all dialog-options with all characters.

So I played through this, along with the frame rate and the strange controls, there are some other problems that I noticed:

  • EVERYTHING respawns every time you return to a floor, including the research files, so you can get the maximum amount of upgrades for all the weapons the second you get access to the break room.

  • The ammo limits don’t work at all, so you can use the everything respawns exploit stated above to get more ammo and blue candy than you will ever need.

  • I never found a good reason to use the Gingerbread gun because all the enemies are the same slow moving and they only have melee attacks makes it nearly useless you will only find a use for it on the marketing floor and even then they can’t drop down to attack you so its pointless, so it just became a candy corn gun with a very slow projectile speed.

  • The flying is very buggy in general, the bobbing camera effect will make it so your camera view is either much higher or lower than it should be when you switch off of it, also you can fly up infinitely if you give it enough time and wait until the your camera starts bobbing down when you have flight selected, allowing you to skip most of the level.

  • I kept getting the end of level bonuses despite not actually meeting the prerequisites.

  • At random, my camera would forcefully jerk hard to the upper right side of the screen, sometimes when this happened Fizzy would be overwhelmed by pacifism, and would refuse to fire any weapons until I restarted the game.

  • The final boss didn’t actually attack me, I couldn’t tell if this was because I fired about 20 pumpkin bombs at here that may have gotten rid of any enemies that spawned in or her AI just broke.

  • The orc fight was also super easy, as she just sat in the corner and did nothing until she died, I can’t tell if this was because of the face I took the secret entrance into the arena.

  • With ammo and blue candy being in infinite supply the game is extremely easy, the most threatening enemy is the frame rate, just spam the pumpkin cannon at everything but the final boss and heal all the damage with the 100+ blue candies you have.

On the bright side I liked the silly concept for the whole adventure, the cameos and all the fake encouragement posters. Over all it still was pretty fun!


Man, I never expected an fps out of this series! Pretty fun, if a bit janky at times. Love the artwork as always. Sadly I couldn’t beat the final boss. The frame rate basically tanked to nothing, then it crashes at before I can get to the fight.

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Wouldnt this have been easier as a doom wad?


I figure there was an element of “holy shit, we can make an FPS in RPG Maker???” when they decided to use RPG Maker for this instead of something easier.
Like, just cackling like mad scientists.


There is an easier fix to that: For me I had to enter menu and recenter the mouse courser in the game. If you want the pacifism you can easily get it by taking a 360° turn and at the end not move the mouse in the opposite direction of the turn. Full screen helps but max window size not so much.

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The cookies are a lie.

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