A Piece of Cake / C'est de la tarte (le français) English Translation [RenPy]

IMO play on easy, and expect pollution to eventually ruin your game later on as it’s a bit badly tuned atm.


Quick question, which foods are best for gaining weight in certain areas of the body? I only know that yogurt and milk are good for growth in breasts (obviously)

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Boobs: Frichti, Raclette, Super milkshake
Belly: Donuts, Bonbons, Barbeque
Butt*: Pasta w/ Cheese, Pizza
Fat: Burgers, Soda

*Exercises include jogging and twerking

After enough research in the lab, you get magic milk for breasts, magic cereal for butt. Otherwise, I recommend saving all fat redistribution points for butt and gain fat there, since butt food is too filling.


It helped thank you!

What the hell am I doing wrong? I die with normal health and nervous wellbeing on day 95. Honestly the death system in this game sucks. I’m not even sick…

I eat too little- dead. I eat too much- dead. I lose weight- dead. I gain weight- dead.



Every day, i have this as my pattern:
Eat as much as possible
Do a job for 2 slots until baseline payment is triple digits
Work out
Eat as much as possible
Work out

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Seems to me the best thing to do is keep building your video audience to a point where it is profitable enough to sustain doing ad campaigns multiple times a day and then doing that over and over again because at some point the returns just get ridiculous.


^ This, plus taking care of your health (especially if you can keep it up to the 6 action bonus). Once you have enough passive income from your videos you can literally buy your health via the better housing, then use the crazy things from the research facility to reach cartoonishly inhuman levels of size.


There’s your problem.

Sort your mental and physical health out first before you start trying to fatten up and do other things. At the start have a good breakfast, do only one slot of work unless your wellbeing is maxed, go for a jog, spend the rest of the day walking, and eat in the evening only if the full bar is less than 3/4 full. Also discourse can search the thread.


So, I can’t get out of the dumb Maude glitch, is there a way to break out of it? Think because of that and just this games crappy balancing my life expectancy keeps plummeting, despite enacting all the anti-pollution things and working out regularly. It just kept plummeting and now it’s lower than my current age (23) by two years.

I also can’t get by a week without dying from a cold. Even on easy

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No, there isn’t I’m afraid, it persists for several weeks. One variable is being used for two different things so there’s not a simple edit. The author (not me) knows about it.

There is an error in the polution code that’s fixable: see this post above. I’m not sure how well it will work retrospectively as it only fires on year-end.

There are lots of suggestions in the thread. Have a read through.


Just checked the link and a new version just released but its only in French at the moment


Thanks for the heads-up @nervki! It might take a few weeks for me to get a translation done.


Is there a way to play this so it doesn’t take forever for my character to gain significant amounts of weight?

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no not really since you need to actually keep weight down so your health doesn’t plummet and die before getting far enough along to actually afford it.
this game’s focus is on the long con gotta get money and a better house and keep the health up.


Oof. Best ways to make lots of cash? I became a teacher but gaht daym did my character have an existential crisis within like a week. Also tried the computer thing. I seem to be doing something wrong.


I believe there is a happiness meter as well if im remembering right.
its like playing the sims but you dont get any visible bars to see if you are doing it right.

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There is a happiness/stress meter. The teacher profession causes lots of stress. Try doing things like walking or other things to keep your character happy

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Here’s a version of the patcher for v0.17.

Usual caveats apply:

  • Don’t have your locale set to a Japanese one.
  • Install Java (tested with Java 8 - should work with later versions)
  • Get v0.17 from itch
  • Make sure it works in French
  • Make any code edits before patching (or edit xxx-rpy.copy and re-patch) - see below
  • Unpack this patcher and follow the ReadMe to change it to English
  • Start a new game!

patch-poc-v0.17.zip (326.7 KB)

There are some changes you might want to make:

  • Around line 440 in script10_encounters there’s an error (non-game breaking) in the assigment of two variables. The section should be:
elif boobre <= 400:
    $ seinre = "ses seins bien fermes"
    $ seinreverbe= "se bombe légèrement au-dessus de"
    $ seinreverbe2 = "soulevant timidement"
    $ adjseinre = "bon petit"
    $ bonnetre = "BB"
  • In the code for writing a successful article as a professor (lines 4924 onwards of script.rpy) the tests of poptt (total population) and lecteurss (professorial influence) are the wrong way round. These should all be less than or equal:
if poptt <= lecteurss:
  • The maths around polution’s effect on lifespan remains an issue, causing life expectancy to drop dramatically. If you want to have a longer game edit script6_age.rpy:
label esperancevie:
    $ espvieChange(-(pollution/500))
    $ jouv1Change(-(pollution/1000))
    $ jouv2Change(-(pollution/1000))
    $ jouv3Change(-(pollution/1000))
    if espvie < 40:
        $ espvie = 40
  • Around line 1970 in script.rpy there’s debug code commented out. If you uncomment before patching it will get translated. Note these lines should read:
"Fric +100000000":
    $ fricChange(100000000)
"PA + 10":
    $ pa += 10