A Piece of Cake / C'est de la tarte (le français)

This is how I have been doing “debug” in the classic sense, this is my cheat menu. I agree that it’s not very user-friendly, but that’s how I have been doing it.

Edit: to clarify, I use the “Shift-O” console. It allows simple checking of variables (just type ptaa for one of the expansion factors), as well as assignment (ptaa = 10).

Renpy has no cheat mode or screen, unless added by the game maker, for deployment builds of games. Setting debug mode and using the console to manually enter python or renpy statements to alter the game is effectively a self made cheat mode. As pointed out it involves knowing the variables, screens, labels, and functions the game uses. A word of caution here, when using the console to do this you can directly edit things such as to break the game or put it in a loop or place you cant get out of unless you know how to undo what you did in the console. Also note that opening the console pauses the game then lets you directly put commands into the renpy’s engine, depending on how the game is written and what screen your on this can cause bugs in and of itself the way renpy predicatively evaluates the script.

As far as i can tell this game has no cheat mode or menu which is why using the console in debug mode is suggested.

i told my friend to tell the owner if theres a cheat menu soon
i think he said its too early for it
soo i think the next few updates it will be there

the ptaa thing doesn’t seem to do anything, says i’s undefined when I check it, and doesn’t seem to change anything when I set it. Is that something from later in the game (as I just started a new save) that doesn’t get defined until later, or something?

ptaa is defined shortly into a new game (right around when your skin color is picked), it is the boob/chest expansion factor. ptbb is butt, and ptcc is belly. Personally, I suggest reading into the code to figure out what the other variables are, as I don’t have time to create a full guide.

Using the console can have mixed results because of the way the renpy interpreter works and passes things to the python execution engine. The renpy interpreter either translates a renpy comand into python then passes it to the python engine or it just passes the python comand to the python engine. The catch here is if you pause the game because of how renpy predicatively executes code, what the python enigne has for a variable value and what the renpy interpreter has are two different things till renpy merges them. Which is why when you check the console for a variable and its not yet set, whats probably happend is when the game paused the interpreter and engine are not synced and therefore you get results that don’t match.

I learned this the hard way you can see an example i posted here: Can renpys screen object action SetVariable() change a variables that are not used in the screen the action it is called in.

The console is really a debugging tool. Your trying to use it to cheat but have no understanding of what you or it is actually doing, that’s why its disabled by default for all deployment builds.

does anyone have the file for the english translation? everytime i try to download it it says file not found

@smashmaster84: Just download it from the itch.io link in the OP.

everytime i try it only says file not found no matter what version i download

I just tried it, and the download still works. I would guess you’ve a browser issue, excessive blockers, or the site is blocked at your location or ISP?

i had to switch browsers and it worked thank you

A new version just got dropped.


French only unfortunately.

Can somebody share an invite to the discord?

For those of you looking for an English version of yesterday’s release, I will be working on a patch, but I’m really busy with my own game at the moment. I did experimentally run the patch on the new version, and there are roughly 300 new translations needed, so it’s no going to be super quick, and it will be a few weeks before I can get started. The upside is that the main game loop at least still works - so, at your own risk, you can try patching the new version.


I was trying to translate it via the script manually but i quit thinking that i’d probably brick the game at some point

Nice! Any rough overview on the new features?

Don’t worry about needing to take your time, I am sure that if we have waited this long for a new version, we can wait a while longer.

I am pretty hype about it

Here is the post about whats new in v0.13 Update! V0.13 - A Piece of Cake! C'est de la tarte ! by parvinjaan