A possible ATLYSS Weight gain/Fatter mod?

Hello, my name is Da_Birb and I rarely talk or interact here very much, but I am here to ask a question about this little indie game called “Atlyss”. It is a very fun ORPG where you can make your own playable character and in the character customization. You can make your character fat in belly. Breasts. And hips. I find that lacking so maybe we should come up with a idea to add weight gain to the game, or unlock the sliders so we can make our character fat as possible?


I downloaded this to try it out and it seems that Cheat Engine works for setting custom slider values outside the normal ranges (with the exception of the chest slider, possibly).



Steam say this game hasn’t been released yet and there is no release date, so I don’t understand where you play in it.

There’s a demo available on itch

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Damn, again unity. Goodbye to potential modding with high-poly models :disappointed:

You know it’s okay to not have high-poly models? You just have high standards.

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Oh that’s awesome! Could you tell me how to enable it? Plus I also need to learn how to use it cause I never used it

which values are those? I’ve messed with the values a bit in a hex-editor and I could only go one number up before the morphs went wonky.

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I also agree, we kinda need a tutorial at this point since, at least for me, I dont use cheat engine what so ever, let alone the latest version.

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You could try editing the playerdata file with saveeditonline after creating a character to get similar results to the top post. Look for values with names like playerblankweight in the editor, where “blank” is one of the things you can change the size of with the sliders.


So, messing around more with the saveeditonline, and I can get the boobs, butt, and belly to be more reasonable yet huge sizes, however after a point the butt becomes more mono as the two rump cheeks squish together into one. The number I had used when it got to that point was 500, so probably set it to about 300 or less if you want a big rump that actually has 2 cheeks.

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Like, this is what I got after dropping the rump size down to 300


It looks like saveeditonline is much easier to use, and you can do it whenever; I would only recommend the Cheat Engine method if you want to see your changes in realtime at character creation.


Oh okay, thank you for the suggestion!

I’ve been playing the new 0.9.0a update, and while I’m still able to mess around with weight past the sliders in both cheat editor and save editor, there seems to be some sort of limiter for the overworld sprites. Edited figures are reflected in the character select and menu portrait, but not as the actual character I’m playing. Does anyone know how to get around this? I’ve attached screenshots below so you guys can see what I mean.


Not that we know of. Kiseff put a clamp on things mostly for the Multiplayer side, but it’s also affects the singleplayer as a side effect. Might change later, but who knows…


Wasn’t there a settings option to disable that limit? Or does it now have a limit even with that setting disabled?

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Secondary limit. meant to keep your character’s proportions within the sliders, so you can’t Cheat Engine or Save Edit your way to a bigger booty or belly.

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That’s new. I don’t remember it being limited like that unless that setting was turned on.

A bit recent, meant mostly to prevent weird things happening client side for the Multiplayer. There was a lot of people in the Discord posting their hyper bodied characters while most of the time spamming the Taunt emote… which came to a head when most of the creative and all of the NSFW channels were erased mostly because the dev wanted to move away from their NSFW works.