A slay the spire wg mod??

I was wondering about a slay the spire wg mod, and although there was another one being talked about, I just want to put my idea here, that being:
the character would grow like in “the bouxm” mod, where each of the cards that they have would add weight to the character (and change the sprite depending on said weight), different cards adding a different amount of weight. Weight would act as both a help and hinderance, giving a certain amount of shield, while also lowering strength depending on how big you get during the fight. I am debating weather the weight should be persistent between battles, having you balance how much you weight with the cards you have, and weighing the risks and rewards. To counteract the loss of strength, there would also be cards that would allow you to attack based on how much you weight (practically flattening the enemy). What do you all think?

It’s got potential. You could take the idea of “deck bloat” in a new direction where weight gets tied to your deck size. There are a lot of very helpful tools that people in the modding community have made that let you ease into learning modding the game itself. Alchyr’s basemod has a very nice tutorial and handles most of the mod set up for you.

I remember talking about that. Two ideas I had is what you suggested (fatten up and hitting for big damage) as well as spending fat to enhance certain cards. As for penalties I could see temporary strength loss when hitting certain thresholds( cause it gets difficult to move) in exchange for temporary dex increased(for bulk blocking more). Of course cards that improve with having fat are unaffected by the debuff.

I see, there could also be cards that switch the dex gain with strength gain for that last minute extra umph needed in a fight

i have one that is like, a quarter-done but i dont have any art and only a couple of the cards coded up, the gimmick would be using lots of temporary health and a tertiary ‘fat’ resource, kind of like buxom but there is little to no block and there are more aggro cards

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