Above gods, weight gain rpg maker game (New update 1.6.4)

Interesting game so far. But I want to ask. What kind of fetish content is there? Im thinking of unamed stuffing rpg where you can atleast eat and see the results as you play. Is there anything like that here? Or does the fetish content only reside in loosing boss fights?

I plan to add more side content where you fatten npcs. But the main characters wont expand other than in certain scripted scenarios and in bad ends.

Ok so I finally beat the registration boss!

Game breaking bugs:
-The first time I fought the slime boss during my characters attack animation the game hung and I could no longer see the interaction menu where you select your action although using arrow keys etc. I could still hear the ā€˜boopā€™ that its cycling through them even if the UI is now gone for the box.
-The woman at the broken bridge that points you toward Simon her conversation hardlocked the game and the background animations totally froze the first time I spoke to her.

Graphical Bugs:
-Castle textures in Beach Town areā€¦ weird on the north side
-The Prision (I think?) in Beach Town has exterior walls you can just walk through (either side of doorway)

-I couldnā€™t find out how to make the cliff naga stop punting me
-I couldnā€™t find the stone for the druid in prison
-Canā€™t remember what the third sidequest was meant to be but the caravan guard did function correctly
-In the beastlands do those shadows mean anything outside of building suspense for the boss up there?

For the less critical part I thoroughly enjoyed the update with my favorite being the Val badend because of all of them that has a lewd intention behind it rather than just to make the party unable to fight with fats secondary! If I could vouch for anything itā€™d be for more lewd badends. I personally prefer the more fatty looking sprites than the stuffed ones but its your game of course oh andā€¦ still no Night Elf temple huh?! The tease!

Good job, looking forward to more!

Thanks for reporting these bugs I fixed the graphical ones. But were you able recreate the game breaking bugs or did they just happen once? And for any other people if these bugs happen for you as well mention it here.

Other: Most of these are things I started laying out the foundation on but havenā€™t gotten around to work on at all.

Iā€™m glad you enjoy this game im making. I have a pretty solid story for the moon quest already thought out. But the story has not gotten far enough for me to create the other places needed for this quest to work.

I didnā€™t encounter them again as I was trying to play the game naturally without forcibly trying to break things.

Just remembered a couple other things where that laser door in the Doctorā€™s lair with the full party still doesnā€™t work soā€¦ not implemented again right? And I think its an old bug but using the mountain teleport girl if you are on the left side you get stuck in the tent still.

I didnā€™t know about the tent bug. And I kind of forgot about the laser door.

So I noticed thereā€™s no save folder in the program anymore. Is that a new thing with RPGMaker or what?

Edit: Nevermind. I see youā€™re using the Catball Games plugin.

Yeah I was having problems with it putting saves in other projects folders. That made the game crash when you opened the save menu because the sprites from the other games saves arent found.

I hate to ask this, but could you give a hint as to where the secret boss is? I donā€™t need explicit details, just the area i need to go.

Its hidden somewhere in the canyon mountain pass area.

I canā€™t seem to get the moon festival to start

You cant get it to start. I havenā€™t worked anymore on it.

well it seems like itā€™ll be a boss fight or a bad end

I am gonna say this the Ned bad ending was really really adorable

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Hello. Where can I get the keys and artifacts of the creepy place? How do you capture Naga who hits the rocks in the forest?

so the tp is broken for solna i donā€™t know how i do have an idea on how though i think because i had max tp before switching

When did you notice it was broken? And what do you mean by broken?

Creepy place? Im not sure if I get what area of the game youā€™re referring to. And the naga that ā€œhits rocksā€ is an incomplete thing so donā€™t bother with it for now.

it never goes down thatā€™s the thing

What kind of rune spell are you using thats not reducing it? Or is it that way with all runes even the fire one?