The game takes place on a mysterious tropical island. It takes light inspiration from dnd, but is a standard turn based rpg. It contains serveral custom sprites created by me and a few contributions from my friends in the community. The game contains bad ends that can be viewed either by losing to bosses, but for you who hate losing dont worry there are several bad end viewers spread out through out the game you can find by exploring. The first ones being in the Hobbling goblin in and in the cave next to the fort.
------ Above gods 1.7 Cats of the moon update----- 1/2 - 2025
-1 New bad end. Sprites by Morionite.
-2 mini side things
-Part 2 of the beastlands story
-The moon temple quest, quest that takes place in 3 locations spread throught the game.
----Pictures from the game-----
There doesn’t seem to be much of a story here, just some loosely connected scenarios. I got to the third character and escaped from the underground, and I still had no idea what was going on in the world or why I’m interested. I’d highly recommend developing a more connected plot, or providing the player with more of a narrative to follow. In addition, spelling and grammar errors abound, and capitalization and punctuation are occasional afterthoughts. It’s a good start, but it needs a lot of cleaning and refining.
I like the game so far. I just started the druid section. I feel like some sort of introduction that could tell us about the world and give an idea of the overall plot would be a big improvement. Also, I didn’t find any weight gain. Is it hidden in the bad ends?
Yeah i should probably make some kind of intro before everything starts and some kind of introduction before it changes to the perspective of another of the main characters. As for the grammar part got any hints where its super bad? English is not my main language so hints and tips would be helpful.
After you have made a certain scene happen and you talk to the guard at the wooden palisade on the far part of the beach and he steps aside she appears.
Yeah its mostly bad ends for now i haven’t really had a proper city to put side stuff and quests in, but im currently working on the beach town where there will be room for some of those.
By the way, I personally wouldn’t worry about fixing typos until later, after you’ve gotten more content in the game. If you end up changing a big part of the game like removing an enemy or changing their dialogue completely, then all the polish you’ve put into that part of the game is gone! Just relax and put stuff in the game as it makes sense, then once everything is nice and settled the players can point out anything that needs tweaking. That’s what I would do~
Spoiler warning
After being told I need to go north by the lady in the farm, I did and did the puzzles. Last one being the shadow men, but I still don’t know where to go… I probably over looked something but if someone could help me out that’d be appreciated!
In the cave where the boulder puzzle is theres a branching path after you walk up the stairs going right instead of going towards the boulder puzzle should let you continue.
So I finally found the time to finish the current build and I had a lot of fun with it, only thing I had a problem with is the story jumped around a bit too much (not too bad, was just a little jarring at first) and that one room full of the shadowy guys was just… aggravating, there’s this one guy that moves way too fast for me to get around him
The story jumping wont happen to much after the start of the game, i plan to make like a starting thing for each of the four main characters so you get to learn more about them but the once that exists right now arent really fully done.
And yeah the shadow part can be tricky remember too use shift to dash, and to try different paths…
spoiler kinda
I’m having a bit of trouble. After punching Dr. Handerman she runs off but where does she go? and I can’t get past the second gate.
Hey, this is really well made! I had a ton of fun trying out the current build. of course minor improvements could be made here and there but it’s great overall. Keep it up
Typos were a minor complaint, my biggest issues were how stark the difficulty and grinding curves felt. Encounter rates are incredibly high, the bosses hit very hard, and the first thing you do as a seeker is a fetch quest in a tiny area. I like the potential but the game itself seems a bit of a slog.