Adventurer Feeding Project

In response to these:

  • I’ll look at the steak. I probably forgot to make it restore Sta.
  • Belly rub doesn’t put the target to sleep. I used the sleep icon for lack of a better one. What it does is remove the digesting effect and instead apply an effect that prevents the digesting effect. I’ve been calling it “soothed” internally. That way, you can use it before using a food item to make sure that the adventurer can use an ability next turn. The only problem is that I haven’t explained it well enough.
  • Correct, the maid doesn’t gain weight at the same rate. There are very specific reasons for this that will be explained when I start releasing the game proper.
  • I forgot to implement and raising items or area before the jam. rest assured, those things will exist in the game proper.
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I like the concept, but that’s really all that’s here. Without changing art, any dialogue, the near impossibility of gaining weight on the maid, and the slogging, slow pace of combat due to only controlling one character, it’s kind of a neat experience that overstays its welcome, without a point to keep playing once you get bored of reading fat buzzwords.

Trust me, I’m with you. I wanted to get a lot more done with this, but I just didn’t have the time.

Which is why I’m still working on it. When I finish up the first section of the game, or at least get close, I’ll be putting that up in the projects board.


I look forward to seeing more of this project, honestly. Good luck!

No problem, thanks for the comments.

I’m interested on what this proyect could offer, I’ve seen you may be looking for an artist, if you want I could do some sketches and maybe help you with the art if you like them. :slight_smile:

Go ahead and DM me a sample of your work. We can go from here.

I have this 2 deviantart accounts, altough I haven’t posted that much new on either

Yeah, I’m looking for someone with some more experience and a style that fits what I’m looking for a bit more. But thanks for showing interest. I appreciate that.

Grotlover2 Score

| Category | Total |

| —: | :–|

| Basics: | 20000 |

| Art: | 150 |

| Writing: | 0 |

| Concept/Design | 1000 |

| Msc: | 100 |

| Total: | 21300 |


An interesting take on battling in a RPG. I like the idea of taking more of a support role then being right in front of the battle. The battles are quite grindy though but I assume that is more or less due to the strict timeline. Right now though it feels a bit unfocused and while it was a good idea to make the AI simple to be predictable it lacks the UX needed to make good use of it. I do hope to see this idea developed further as I think its an interesting concept.

Jux Score

| Category | Total |

| —: | :–|

| Basics: | 20000 |

| Art: | 40 |

| Writing: | 0 |

| Concept/Design | 1026 |

| Msc: | 103 |

| Total: | 21269 |


For a tech demo, this is a good idea. The way of only directly influencing your party is interesting, and the way of controlling them interests me. I do worry it might feel tedious once it’s more fleshed out? But that’s just a feeling, and you should definitely expand on it.

Kilif Score

| Category | Total |

| —: | :–|

| Basics: | 20000 |

| Art: | 70 |

| Writing: | 40 |

| Concept/Design | 805 |

| Msc: | 110 |

| Total: | 21090 |


I like the concept of this very much, in which you indirectly influence the AI by changing their stats and attacks via feeding and weight control (which is a good use of the theme). This is great, but the game does a poor job of communicating this (it wouldn’t be very apparent without reading the description). At the end of the day, this is more of a proof of concept, and thus suffers from a lack of content, and story. That being said, I’d like to see it expanded upon as this core design would work very well for a full fledged game.

S&S Score

| Category | Total |

| —: | :–|

| Basics: | 20000 |

| Art: | 150 |

| Writing: | 155 |

| Concept/Design | 695 |

| Msc: | 100 |

| Total: | 21215 |


Squirrel Score

| Category | Total |

| —: | :–|

| Basics: | 20000 |

| Art: | 30 |

| Writing: | 70 |

| Concept/Design | 900 |

| Msc: | 40 |

| Total: | 21100 |


I will say the concept of having the rest of the party being AI and being tasked with managing them through the battle, keeping their health and stamina up whilst making sure their weight matches the needs of the situation, was a very neat idea and can’t wait to see what’s done with it in the future. I’m intrigued to see where this goes!


Art: 440

Writing: 265

Sound: 390

Design: 4426

Total: 105974