Looking forward to the game!
Just discovered this! Super excited about it, will definitely be keeping an eye out.
Does the playable character get fat as well?
Welcome to weight gaming @psmmajus. Unfortunately it’s against the site rules to ask for an update from a developer. This includes things like asking if a project is still being worked on or stating/asking if a project is dead. You can check out the FAQ for more details.
I didn’t know that, my bad.
Is there a discord I could join to follow the game? I’m very interested
i can’t wait for this game to come out
No clue. I haven’t seen hide nor hair of anything recently.
I feel like keeping 2D crew and 3D environments is a great idea, and allows for better creativity (could also give it more of a story book aesthetic too if you are wanting to go down that path as well! (2.5D is always super cool in my opinion, it gives great depth to the games where it is prominent)