I suspect I already know the answer to this one, but as it says on the tin, I’ve been trying and failing for awhile to find a game where immobility isn’t just the failure state or simply is non-existent.
I already know of and have played both Gaining Perspective and Boundless. I found both games had different flaws for me. GP was, as the warning at story start says, VERY dark. Don’t get me wrong, it was extremely well done, and I did do a couple play throughs until I got the good ending, but it’s not my cup of tea.
As for Boundless, when I first discovered it, I played a lot of the game. This was around the same time as I was playing No One’s RPG, and I really appreciated that a char in Boundless could actually get so massive as to collapse under their own weight. I also really liked the updates as a player crossed various thresholds, as one of my big complaints with No One’s was that, unless you went into your description every day, you could easily miss a lot of the best writing in the game.
But there were a number of things that hurt my opinion on Boundless. Suffice to say, a lack of content and some of the more grisly stuff has pushed me away from it.
So, if there’s any title I missed, I’m hoping someone might know of it. I unfortunately doubt it, as I’ve been searching for quite some time with very little success, but hope springs eternal.