Any idea for making a WG themed strategy game ?

I think I have found an engine I could use : it’s basically a plugin for RPG Maker MV that allows to make Tactical-RPG games. I’ll use this for now.
But now, I need sprites for my characters. Would anyone know a good source for WW2-like sprites, namely tanks, artillery, maybe infantry or planes ?

I’ve found some really good deals on for assets, but it looks like the current group doesn’t have any vehicle or realistic stuff. There’s also the giant sale on currently, but searching through the list of assets/art, it also looks like it’s all medieval and fantasy-oriented.

The website humblebundle partners with for the discounts has a pretty wide selection and really good filtering options (although the site is a bit slow). I was able to find this creator, who has reasonably priced packs of WW2-era land and air vehicles. There’s 3 different country options, but they’re priced separately. Still, they do look quite good.

If you wanted to keep the art simple for expediency, you could flavour the map after a war-room map and use silhouettes from period sources like aircraft recognition manuals and similar - they’d be well out of copyright too.

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My favorite sprite resources on military units (WWI, 2, modern, top downs, side view…) is
They have so many different sprites, their original purpose is to be print out and made into paper soldiers, but they make just as good sprites. Make sure to credit the artists when you use them.