Anyone who would be willing to help me write some character descriptions?

Are there any people on this forum who would be interested in helping me come up with written descriptions for characters? I have been struggling to write for the past month cuz I can’t seem to accurately describe the physical appearances of the characters. I would be willing to send reference photos through direct messages, and you could tell me what features you notice (deep-set eyes, upturned nose, full lips, thick arms, wide hips, no thigh gap, etc.) Your descriptions don’t have to be complete sentences btw. I just need like terminology for the certain features, so then I can write about them.

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Hello, I’d be willing to give it a shot to help you out. Feel free to message me the details

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Hopefully I could offer some help as well.


Why not post an example pic here so that we can all have a bash at it? Sounds like it could be fun :smile:
And hey, any person whose prose catches your eye you can pick up with them perhaps.