Anyone willing to collaborate on a writing project?

I’ve been trying to compile this weight gaining manual/guide of sorts for a while now that gives an overview of a lot of tropes and kinks within the weight gaining/fat fetishist community, sort of like how the site TV Tropes categorizes a lot of recurring trends within media and pop culture. I was thinking of having a WG equivalent to that. If anyone has a nack for coming up with clever titles or terminology for things, please hmu. I’d greatly appreciate any creative help I can get, since I’m not all too creative or good with words myself unfortunately


Great idea! Also, do not worry, you will learn.

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I’d like to think that I’m good enough at it to be helpful. I’m usually pretty busy with school though, and so if I wanted to colloborate it would be more of an occasional thing than on a schedule

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I could help, if you’re looking for it still

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Spam alliterations and sibilance and you’ll be at least equal with TVTropes by default


I’m more than willing to help

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If you need someone to write some questionable shit, I’m your guy! (Legit I wrote a weight gain story about a bullet bill. Yes the Mario enemy. I know I’m an odd pickle, shut up.)

Again though, feel free to message me for help!

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Here’s a link to the page I set up. Add something if you wish:


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wiki doesn’t exist anymore

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I know. Sadly it automatically shuts down after being inactive for so long…

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