Apocalypse XL - Stuffing Focused RPG, postapocalypse college / city setting - 0.17 "Alcatraz"

Version 0.9.0 is now out on Patreon, and will be public in two weeks.

Birthday party. Muscles. Fat. Insights on the nature of the universe.


Unfortunately I overwrote my save because I am really disorganised. However the save I uploaded for the last update will work here as 0.8 was entirely sidequests. You can go straight into the new content from it.


file1.7z (18.9 KB)

Scratch that. By digging through my half-dozen versions of the game I found one.

This is a save immediately before the new content with the sidequests completed.

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Yo! Haven’t checked in on this game since my until my semester ended but whoa! Still stuck on dommy snek but I shall upgrade to the newest version UwU

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oh…shit…Um… hey does anyone have a save file I can use where it was just before the first encounter with the snake woman ;w;

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NM! Scrolled up far enough and found one UwU

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Apocalypse XL 0.9.0 “Amber’s Got Huge Cake”

Continues main story & new sidequest.

  • Celebrate Amber’s birthday with the girls. There will be cake.
  • A new challenger approaches and he has lore to dump.
  • Team up with Bruce and make a nasty protein shake. Build those muscles.
  • New scene and some adjustments to snake lady sidequest.

Join my Patreon for perks such as early releases and HD art files.

To transfer your save, open the “www” folder in your previous instillation, and copy the “save” folder into the new version’s “www” folder.

As always, please let me know if you run into any bugs. Thank you all for your support!


Bruce’s quest is bugged in that once you start it, you can’t do any other sidequest. It all just forces you to redo Bruce’s quest.


Uploading a fix for this now. This bug happens with every new sidequest because I chronically forget to add the one line of code each of them needs to prevent it from happening.

You’ll have to play through Bruce’s quest again to fix it if you got the bug for now. I’ll make it so just talking to the quest board fixes it in the next major update, but since I’ve already started working on that update’s content I can’t stitch together a patch for the hub room or it’d carry over a bunch of WIP stuff as well.


hey does anyone know where the third gastrolith is in annie’s second sidequest? i want the cool hat


Well this Update was a bit sad and there were some twist and turn that hit hard but I do love that even with how it ended that amber and the group are going to just keep going.


Does anyone know how to gain XP? I cannot figure it out for the life of me

That’s the neat part- you don’t.

Amber and Janet get stronger from new gear and certain story events instead.


Twofold feelings after 0.9, in a good way. It was as if I had washed away a bright drawing from a wooden sword, which reminded me that this is not a fairy tale, but still reality. It’s like I’m eating bitter chocolate. Not very tasty, but real, as it should be. It seems that I am glad that the adventures continue, but at the same time it is a pity that all the efforts to create a cure did not lead to success. I will be happy to wait for the continuation.


hey so my dumb ass deleted my game folder again. anyone got the ATM password for the Island chapter or is that just for the most recent update?

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I’m not one to talk about what I expect for the next update, but here goes (and needless to say there will be spoilers):

out of desperation for Amber’s “father” I’m really hoping that Janet’s mutation will get worse after she gets the virus cure (and that will make Janet even angrier with the universe haha), and about the secondary missions I get curious when I think of Jay watching the video that shows Jen “magic” stomach and him wanting to be eaten by her to understand how the mutation works


I don’t use the XP system and the only reason their levels are displayed is that I don’t know how to turn it off.

Glad you’re all having fun with the update! >:)


I just got to the end of the recent update and looking to see more of it. Though I encounter a bug that I don’t know if it is know but when going to the computer to re-see events and stuff, choosing “ACT 2” cause an infinite loop by repeating “No Data”

I had to go through the McLean thing again after the bottle break challenge because I luckily saved there at least


I’ll have the softlock there fixed next update. Oops. Remember to save often! I can never be trusted to remember to add the one line of code that prevents everything from falling apart.


Just finished the latest update. Wonder if there’s gonna be more humanoid like ‘mutants’ with multi eating etc etc scenes. Regardless loved it, the whole lore thing and all that is heggin noice specially the art n sound design oh man on man!

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