Apocalypse XL - Stuffing Focused RPG, postapocalypse college / city setting - 0.17 "Alcatraz"

Combat where you are expected to actually use your consumable items?! Say whaaaaaat


If there is ONE complain about the game… it’s the twinkies. BECAUSE YOU COULD HAVE EASILY MADE THE JOKE “TWINKHEMICAL WARFARE”


I hate random encounters as much as every person on Earth and won’t be adding them. Scripted makes for more fun fights either way.

The standard attack is intentionally a bit weak to encourage using skills and items instead. It’s basically the “slap your opponent on the cheek because you can’t think of anything else” move

Thank you for this, I’ll do my best to remember to add it. This is a change that needs to be made to the compiled game and not the project files?

absolutely using this somewhere


The only way I know to implement this fix is to do so on the final product. In theory this logical change effects the way the release of buttons works, but the default logic is awful.

So if you were designing say a DDR style rtyhmn game you likely wouldn’t want this “fix”


The fix should work fine if you add it to the rpg_core file inside your project files too, since all of the js files are just copied to your compiled game anyway.

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The standard attack is intentionally a bit weak to encourage using skills and items instead. It’s basically the “slap your opponent on the cheek because you can’t think of anything else” move

I may recommend instead having a move that regenerates MP or generate TP, using a small combo system, or microgame system that rewards with MP/TP regeneration can be interesting as well, since during the final boss of the demo I found to be more advantageous to just block and wait for the MP to regenerate than use the basic attack.

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You’re meant to regenerate MP by eating items. It represents usable Calories in the character’s stomach. (Did you mean waiting for TP to regenerate? If your MP regenerates at all from things other than food it’s a bug)

You get TP/Tension by doing basically anything other than using a move that spends it, it’s meant as a sort of power attack charge meter. I might look into how much you get from Guard compared to other things if it’s overblown–maybe the TP from other stuff needs to be a bit higher.

A move or item that gives a burst of TP could be a thing in the future for sure.


The thing about the way RPG Maker handles TP is that if an attack misses, the character also doesn’t gain any TP from making the attack, whereas guarding will always “hit”, making it a reliable consistent source of gaining TP. I, for one, don’t have a problem with the regular attack being underpowered since the opposite would favor just spamming the action key, which would make battles very boring, very quickly.

It might help if the player had more information to work with in deciding what to do (i.e. knowing more accurately how much damage a skill does compared to the regular attack or related ability score, an enemy health bar to help the player gauge whether it is worth it to guard for an extra turn or to try to take em out with a regular attack, etc.)


hmmmmmm who’s this


Just finished the demo, gotta say, absolutely loved it! Love the apocalypse theme, kinda reminds me of the Lisa games minus all the super dark stuff.

Overall very excited to see what happens next with this!


Looks like is a cutie!

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VERSION 0.0.5 “Flunking Chem at the End of the World”

This version features a full intro sequence as well as a mutant talent show. Watch as Amber eats too much live on stage.

Warning: Demo saves are not compatible with this version! If you want to skip the section in the demo, enter the secret code backwards in the ATM. Future versions will always be compatible with older saves, this is a one-time thing.

Edit: bugfix update & made first boss a bit more forgiving.
Edit2: slimes no longer have a small chance of sending you straight to hell
Edit3: Fascination now just makes a character skip one turn, first boss should be more consistent and actually not as hard. I messed up the change last time, whoops :slight_smile:
Edit4: fixed a softlock


What is the secret code?

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It tells you at the end of the demo, there’s a little sparkle on the table you can check.

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But I can’t load my save from the end of the demo in the new version of the game (right? that’s what you said)? And the link to redownload the demo is not up anymore in the OP…

So, I have no idea how I’d find out. Why not just tell us in the thread? You can click cog wheel blur spoiler to spoiler tag hide text.

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I figured everyone would’ve written the code down somewhere or at least still had the demo. 8762 is the skip code.

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I am noticing some words just missing in the new version in the new content. Places where words should be are just large blank spaces leading to quite awkward sentences. Or maybe it’s supposed to be that way?

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this is intentional yes, you’re reading it as Amber hears it

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I think the shredder might be too hard, although only because home run costs 60 and home run doesn’t cost 50, if it cost 50 then the tutorial lesson about saving up a big hit for when he was low might work… but it’s hard to save 60, when it’s hard to get him low in the first place without spending 60… even if you just spend 25 twice with the weaker but still strong attack, there’s no way to save up 110tp, since 100 is the max.

I guess in theory you could get a bit lucky with some sort of burp burp strike out combo to get him low and still have a home run left, but well, imo, a tutorial boss battle should be slightly easier. Unless I’m missing an entire mechanic, which I might be.

edit: beat the fight the third try, but I didn’t learn to be smarter, I just got a lucky critical hit on my strike out (two in a row, but I earned 15 tp because the paper notes all hit amber instead of janet that one round) so that I could home run right after.


Ok one actual bug that might cause problems is later in the story when the blond guy visits your room when you get weapons is if you leave the room into you bedroom he completely shifts his position into the door. Thankfully if you leave into the main hall and turn to hit him so you don’t trigger the room transition you can still talk to him. But I could see someone getting stuck because of this

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