Apocalypse XL - Stuffing Focused RPG, postapocalypse college / city setting - 0.17 "Alcatraz"

gaaaah I thought I fixed that. I noticed it happens if you save & exit but didn’t think about going back into the bedroom. Thanks.

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I can beat the guy consistently when I test it, but I suppose it does come a bit too close for a first boss. I might lower the amount of HP it has left when it tries to heal so that the player doesn’t have to be as precise.

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You know how much maxhp he has the player is only guessing, that probably makes it easier for you to know when exactly the right time is.

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This is a very good point. Right now the heal threshhold is 500, I’m gonna lower it to 375 which should be enough for basically any combo including Home Run to KO. (If RPGMaker let you display enemy HP I would absolutely do it.)

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2 slimes versus amber in the duct work also probably too hard, first run through the battle I got to take 3 actions the entire fight because I was fascinated for 80% of the battle.

Again if home run cost 50 not 60 I’d have won, or if I had healing items, or if I wasn’t alone, or if being hit by enemies broke fascination as often as hitting yourself seems to.

edit: second time through the fight I won easily, fascination is a highly variable/random effect against a party of size1.


Rather than trying to remove the low chance of the fight stunlocking you, I have simply made it not game-over if you lose. If you get KO’d, Amber now politely asks the slimes to leave.

Gotta head off for a while now, thanks for the help so far all <3

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I found a plant in the intro that used Amber’s mutated (upgraded?) face.


And now that I finished the content… really liked the update, feel like know you really got the spirit of the game about a bunch of teens being facehit by mutations, and adjusting to them.

You did surprise me with the long prologue!
And by the way, Amber does deserve a tail!


The characters are college students so they’re in their 20’s not teenagers. Glad you like it though <3


Sorry, am a nonnative English speaker :sweat_smile: sometimes it’s hard to pick the right words.


I shall do as you asked.

Great update btw! As always your art really brings a lot to the game~!


Apologies in advance, because I cannot understate how stellar the art, direction, and writing continue to be. This is a really a joy to read through, the type that only comes around once every few years or so.

Combat’s a bit of a mess compared to last time though, doubly so since this is supplanting the original two fights as the new “tutorial”. I think it’ll be a filter to a lot of people if left as-is.

First blob fight seems like it’s meant to be a chance to learn your moves and experiment a little since their damage and aggression is so low, and they’re certainly as easy as they should be, but that doesn’t mean they present an effective learning curve, or a particularly fun one for that matter: that charm move they use procs much too often, and the effect lasts, far, far too long. It leaves you at least partially incapacitated for a solid majority of the fight if my and others’ testimonies are anything to go by. I’d suggest either removing it entirely or grossly nerfing its effects/rate of success/how often the blobs use it. Second time felt fine because it was firmly out of tutorial territory

The Shredder fight is a serious problem though. I actually love it in concept, and think it’d be a really fun mid-game gimmick fight, but it’s executed poorly here, plain and simple. First, it takes at least one wasted cycle on your first run to get the necessary strat fed to you, and with your low rate of TP growth and utter inability to refresh your various stats via items or renewable support skills yet, you’re looking at only 2-4 more attempts before you’re dead. That number is vague, by the way, because its ninja star move does an absurd amount of damage (upwards of a quarter of your party’s combined health) for an AI that as far as I can tell selects moves totally at random. My first run I lasted ages, the second he mowed me down hardly a turn after the dialogue was spent, the fourth picrel happened a few turns in and I got steamrolled to death without being able to move:

It took five attempts to win, and I honestly just felt like I got lucky more than that I improved my strategy. Closest thing I did to critical thought was timing out my Blind applications to avoid paper stars.

What’s much more to the point though is that I think there’s either a glitch or unintended behavior with its healing ability. On multiple occasions, I saw it trigger the heal the same turn the warning notification occurred, before I could even move. One time, it even used it without a warning altogether, several turns after the dialogue had spent. Without at least a health bar to look at and record dangerous values at, that makes things a total crapshoot as to whether you’re about to waste a cycle or not.

There’s a great fight hidden in there, but it needed a lot more playtesting.


The combat being the weak point of the game is kinda what I expected, since I have zero experience with game balance compared to a decent grasp on writing and art. I appreciate everyone giving their thoughts on it.
I might end up getting rid of the heal mode on Shredder, and maybe re-use it for a later fight, since it does seem to be too much for a first boss. The default Fascination also seems to just suck as an effect and I’ll think about what a better custom effect for it might be.

edit: hahahaha i screwed up the percentages and he was healing sooner than he was supposed to, I fixed that and also reworked how the heal works, it should be much more consistent and only heal at about a fourth the rate it did before. Sorry about that.

Also I’m removing the confuse chance from his paper ball attack because both party members being confused in Stygian’s screenshot horrifies me since that is a 25% chance each on a move he uses less than half the time. The RNG gods really do hate you all.


Your game is good, humor is top, even if im still at the beginning.
Foud one issue. I dont know if I am very dumb or if this is too hard.
First outdoor, expedition, we go into a grocery and we have to find the key to the back of the store. WHERE IS IT?!!!
Its been two hour, its 3AM and im tired.
Please. Tell me.

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You fight the small sobbing man in the bottom right corner and it drops a key.

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Thanks. I though he was some kind of potted plant xd.


I’m gonna make an enemy that’s an actual potted plant just for you <3

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Yeeay, I will definitly spot him.
4AM, Finished you game. Love it.
Keep up the good work.


One thing that would make shredder a lot easier is if the player knew his maximum hp so they could know if he was in range to be killed or not rather than wasting tp/kcal when he’ll only heal again.

The battle is full of conversational interruptions, one could just say his hp, it would break the 4th wall though.

sidenote: I was using mountain dew against shredder, if a player didn’t have any mountain dew at all it would be even harder than I found it, maybe give the player 2 mountain dew as a reward prior at some point.

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awesome update, loving all the new content.
im assuming from the sprite description that vore will be part of the combat, which is a big plus for me. the best kink games incorporate the kink into the gameplay.
also, i’m curious, what kind of game are you looking to expand this into? do you plan on sticking to the sort of streamlined narrative experience it’s been so far, or having more side content, or maybe even something more out of left field?

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