Apocalypse XL - Stuffing Focused RPG, postapocalypse college / city setting - 0.17 "Alcatraz"

Core main questline with occasional sidequests, similar to most RPGs. One thing I’m doing that many RPGs don’t is having the game explicitly keep track of the timeline and move things like NPCs around to simulate them going about their own lives. You’ve probably already noticed the other students move around each day.

Amber will get a vore move, probably in the next update. It’s already fully coded I just haven’t gotten to the point in the narrative where it shows up yet. I’ll also add some equipment you can swap out that give you the choice of either boosting her Vore Power or boosting her other stats, so that players can either avoid using it or use it frequently depending on their preferences.


I really enjoyed that on the game, for example I noticed about how in the prelude the secretary complains about having to check IDs, and once everyone got mutated how happy she is that there is no need anymore.

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Hello yes I’m dropping out of lurker mode to congratulate you on having an incredible little game so far. Burping’s not even my thing, but the writing immediately grabbed me — freeze peach clowns, pandemic denialism, and the promise of monstergirls goes a long way. Also, games on this forum very rarely strike me as funny, but I found myself literally laughing out loud multiple times.

It also bears mentioning that I’m overjoyed to see a trans girl protagonist in one of these games, much less one who’s so endearing! <3

(Though I will say… not having a uterus does NOT prevent the period cramps from finding you)


Right away up there somewhere in my top ten NSFW experiences ever. Such a wonderful and delicate balance of diving into the kinks while also giving everyone fun characterization and developing interesting lore! Combat could feel a bit “tighter”, mostly by just slightly upping damage values. On the other hand though, I deeply appreciate that combats are scripted instead of random, makes the more general pacing feel great. And, I can’t lie, walking in to see a trans flag over our heroine’s bed immediately had me think “oh this is about to be a good time.” Looking forward to more!!


I imagine the game experience will be greatly enhanced if there was optional standing CG with belly that changes along with eating

As a big fan of “Lisa the Painful”, I gotta say the post-apocalyptic setting alone was a huge selling point for me already. Aside with the points mentioned before on combat, I have no real complaints so far. Amber and Julie are a great duo and I can’t wait to see what other misadventures they’ll embark upon. That being said though…

is there a chance that Annie might be a third party member in the group? considering how she’s probably the only other student in the college that’s just as gluttonous as Amber (aside from Keith, lmao) I could see how she could be brought on as a sort of a “tank” for the party seeing as the two are already so squishy.

I also thought the “dream” sequence was pretty neat. Who knows if it’s really Amber’s mind or some powerful supermutant that’s taking all the souls.

Otherwise I’m fully invested in this shit and i can’t wait to see more. Great job on this project!

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Currently I don’t intend on having more permanent party members, but having occasional team up segments with the other students is absolutely something I want to do. Amber will eventually become the party’s tank.


found a glitch,dont know if it was mentioned before though. You can go back into the vents after leaving and you’re softlocked


Uh oh, looks like I forgot to disable the vent after you finish that section. Uploaded a version to fix that, if you saved in the vent and are stuck there’s a way to get out now as well.

What is “Lisa”? Is that a game on this forum?

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Pros: I am loving the Vore content. I appreciate it when Vore is treated as something special and unique as opposed to “dog eat dog”. Amber is also a decent MC who is written to be gluttonous and nasty; kind of like Princess Fiona (Shrek). Also, Janet’s arc is really interesting; how is she gonna cope with being a Venus Flytrap hominid? And the background characters are delightfully cartoonish. I especially like Annie and her design, I’d luv to see more of her. Combat is also enjoyable, especially cuz it isn’t “watch out for the grass” spontaneous combat. Also, the story just seems to be day-by-day living which means there could be tons of different scenarios and places to explore and we don’t even need an overarching story up until the finally.

Now for the cons: I wish there was more of Annie. Weight gain ain’t a focus here which I’m fine with: vore, stuffing, belly, and burps are plenty; but Annie’s full figure was so beautiful and I’d luv to explore more of her personally and know what her powers are. Janet’s combat is also a bit mid. She’s got healing, Ensnare, and the sling shot. She’s basically the white mage, raider, and wizard all in one but doesn’t really excel in either of those categories. Her heal is effective but expensive, the Ensnare doesn’t paralyze, and the sling shot is probably her best attribute when she can use it. To me, she’s more of a raider, or at least a sharpshooter, but if she’s using the sling shot then wut’s the point of the plant powers?

In conclusion, I want to see much more of this game. I luv what I got and I can’t wait to explore these characters through the eyes of a monster-bludgeoning glutton like Amber.


Lisa isn’t a kink game. Look up “Lisa: the Painful” on Steam. It’s a dark comedy RPG set in the post-apocalypse. My monster designs take inspiration from it.

The characters intentionally feel a bit non-specialized at first to make them feel like regular people who don’t really know how to fight. As the game progresses they should hopefully start to gain more defined niches in the party. I am also very inexperienced with game balance so it’s likely my skill design also sucks.

Annie will absolutely keep showing up. I want to do segments in the future where other students temporarily join the party to explore places, and she’d be good for that for sure.


Imagine if someone is just reading this treat and goes “Maybe I should give that Lisa game a try, how dark can it be.”

And then they play with the intro and have a breakdown.

On that same note, it still cracks me up how Terry was designed to be hated , but everyone loves him and the creator was stunned when he found that out.


Really good first impression, the dialogue was pretty entertaining, the setting is neat and the characters are likeable enough. Looking forward to whatever you have planned for the future.

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My review: “Oh she just like me fr”


why is this game so good written?


Awesome game, for me the mutant thing makes the characters more interesting! Like, how they look or what powers they have. I also really enjoyed the chemistry between the protagonists and their expressions! They are really well done!
Oh, and I almost forgot, thanks for not including random encounters.
Good job and good luck with the development!!! ^^.

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Thank you all for playing <3 I’m aiming to have the next update done sometime this week.


One small suggestion, it very well might be already in this update but having some general vore-based dialogue or, if you wanna go above and beyond, some general purpose vore art for when the player does the vore move would be HUGE. It gives more motivation to use the move and is a great sort of small in-battle reward for the player. If you wanna go even further then one of my favorite things I’ve seen in vore games is when certain characters voring certain enemies triggers special dialogue from the character or their party members. Anyway, can’t wait for the next update! :slight_smile:

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Already? Damn man, you work fast.

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