Apostles (Latest Update 0.10: July 2023)

like @Zabi said, I would like Gretel’s gain to be a nice and slow one. It doesn’t make sense to rush something so long in coming. Also weird as thus may sound I don’t want her gain too be too excessive. While she is the Apostle of Gluttony, she is constantly on the move. An immobile blob does not move around a lot. Also, she needs to be fit enough to throw a stone in the air. Possibly even Fight the saviors.

Plus size model yes, immobile blob no.


This was a really nice update! I like that they are so long. I appreciate the long time spent on Jacob and Maya and look forward to what this new “Revelation” might lead to! :wink:

I kind of wish we had time to play as Mauve to decide his fate in the point room, I was really expecting it but then it was just gone and not mentioned again. I look forward to seeing where it leads and if we get to decide some choice for him! X3


@WankA12 Time will only tell how much and at what pace Gretel’s gain will go, and it will take a few unexpected routes along the way. But don’t worry she won’t stop throwing the stone in the air, at least she won’t until she gets it not to come back down!


@PAHamster Very happy to hear you enjoyed the update! In regards to Maya and Jacob I had a lot of fun with that. Since Gretel, Lily, and Sebastian have been at this whole feeder game for years now, they are pretty much Pros at it. So I thought it’d be great fun to have Jacob and Maya sort of stumble their way through it (in an akward yet cute way), wanting something but not quite sure yet what they want or how to get it. Don’t worry though, they’ll get the hang of it soon!

Ah, sorry we didn’t get to see more of Mauve this time, but not to worry, I’m sure Lily will make time to have fun with him next update as well!


Good to know. I can’t wait to see what Lily does with Mauve next. I have some fantasies…

Some dark, twisted fantasies.

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@WankA12 Feel free to message me any of them! I can’t say for certain they’ll make it into the next update, but I can see what I can do!

That’s an open offer to anyone reading this. Never be afraid to send me ideas or concepts of things you want to see in Apostles! While I won’t just yes-man them all, I will always hear you out.

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I look forward to them getting the hang of it and it is clear Maya love all about it, Jacob still needs to find his “love” for it, but I got a feeling the love he has is the feeding and pampering. I would not be surprised if he began to relate to food in a sexual way~ Hopefully, it leads further and further and maybe an immobile Jacob at the end! X3

Do not make it too complex if you make some sort of decision there for the player when it comes to Mauve, just keep it simple for your own sake!!!

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Hey want to give a thanks to beta tester qwerty2999! For this piece of fanart they commissioned of the ever loving Gretel, and ‘somebullshit’s’ Emmie!


I can’t help but wonder if Esse would pick up something if Gretel tried to absorb some power from Emmie’s gluttony and react with hostility.

Who would win in a fight? Esse built an empire. Gretel possibly was directly responsible for the murder of hundreds of millions of people I mean did Gretel things.

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Guess is time to see what “Apostles” is about after seeing Sophia in “Some BS”! Looking forward to seeing some nice stuffing from this game~


You’re in for a treat


Hope you enjoy the game!


So uhhhhh I don’t think anyone has pointed this out yet and if so I apologize. I noticed at the very end that…


Gretel’s displayed level on the save file was 95 instead of the usual 99. Not sure if this was a glitch or an intentional story thing that you’re doing.


Intentional, good eye!


Holy shit, details like that are what separates good storytellers from great storytellers!

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Whoa boy. Are you in for a treat or what.

Yes you are.


Slaps the hood of this game this game has so much replayable value! like seriously! I didn’t think that starting off with this game I would have to go through 3 people to advance at all AND THEN choose how to advance the story to see their ways of getting something done or showing off how unique each one is! This game blew me away with that along with how well crafted this story is to build up the stuffing! SO much fun playing so far as I’ve only stopped at the church gather at the night after the search and “rescue”.
Fantastic game in the making here!


Thank you! Very kind of you to say! And you are only just getting started with your adventure, so I hope you enjoy the rest of the Apostles wild ride!


The numbers. What do they mean!!!

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Another month, another progress report! Though this will be the first one for 0.9! I have a lot of stuff planned for upcoming content, including three main branches-

Pamela’s husband (Greg) homecoming and all events pertaining to it. It’s been a long time since he’s been back, and a lot has changed!

A fairly large solo section of content where Heather explores her new rooms. Red Path will also get a little something.

A LOT of Sebastian focused content. Including his ‘happy’ childhood memories, the introduction to a new problem in the present, and a lot of weird, possibly disturbing horrific stuff that won’t make sense.

I also want to have some minor inclusions to

Ed and Al, answering just what has happened to them at the Gomorrah.

And Violet, as things might be a bit different now with Gretel’s new outlook.

As you can see…that’s an awful lot to cover in one update! Perhaps a bit too much, which makes me think it might be wise to split it up into chunks, though I’m not quite sure yet. So while I’m still working on the early stages, I was wondering if anyone had a preference? Do you prefer shorter updates coming out faster, or bigger updates that take a bit more time?