Apostles (Latest Update 0.11: July 2024)

Hello, first of all: great game. Writing is honestly better than most RPGs I’ve played in the last few years.

But the real reason I’m replying (and made this account) is that I might’ve went a little overboard with this:

It’s a lore and character document I made after finishing the game at its most recent update in order to refresh my memory for when a new update comes along. And, reading through this thread, I saw a few people mention a lore doc so I thought I might as well share it. It’s unfinished as I haven’t had time to write all of the character entries, and there’s some stuff I probably missed. Don’t have the time to replay the game for the sake of the lore, but comments are enabled for anyone that wants to fill in the blanks.

EDIT: FUCK I Forgot to mention: HUGE MEGA SPOILERS for the game up until the end of the most recent update (0.10)


@innocuouskink Woah! I’m flattered beyond words seeing all the effort that went into making such a well thought lore doc! I gave it a read through and I can say you certainly did your homework, connecting a lot of the hidden dots in the story, and connecting them despite the non-linear elements of the lore reveals.

Absolutely wonderful work, I will surely leave a few comments over the next few days on the doc. You did a fantastic job, thank you several times over.

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Finally managed to get around to playing the most recent update. It’s wonderful both from a story perspective and a ‘I love seeing these characters get the happiness they deserve’ (at least some of them) perspective, not to mention the excellent kink content as always. NGL though, seeing Clair twisted up like a pretzel by the fake lust apostle at the end kinda freaked me out a bit, no clue why, possibly because the sprite was odd enough I couldn’t tell if she was just hogtied or if her flesh had been literally bent up like a knot, we know Lust apostles can do that, and I hope she’s okay. I’m of two minds on whether she’s actually under the apostle’s control or whether she’s being Clair and playing for as much information as she can possibly get to form a better plan, she is number 5 on Penny’s list, but at the same time she was probably caught off guard. Either way, hope that turns out alright. We don’t see a lot of the saviours but they seem like good people (even if JL-the-I is an absolute doofus), and I’d hate for them to get horrifically massacred as a motive force to get Sebastian off his ass.

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Glad you enjoyed! I had a lot of fun with the update!

For Clair, she is meant to be hogged tied with ropes! Though pretzel body horror is a good idea for another update…as for how her story will progress, you’ll see next update!

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I was just able to play the latest Gretel update and I must say it was nothing but amazing! The fetishy content was quite amazing! Seeing Gretel finally packing on the pounds was a delight to see and seeing everyone grow in all the ways was great. Even though it was short the lore and story development that the story is getting is just way to hyping! (At least for me XD) even though next update is Lily focused I hope Gretel gets a bit of spot light.
Now speaking of lore and story. Seeing Gretel finally being able to move on is (in my opinion) one of the best thing this character could get she deserves it and the fake apostles slowky becoming more important and taking more screen time as well as lady Cynthia is as exciting as terrifying!

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Amazing lore dump. Also made me feel a little dumb for not noticing niss and tuvires are anagrams. Then again I didn’t realise Neo was an anagram until years after seeing the Matrix.

Mind if I add a bit about how Apostles work? I’m not sure where the seven generations part comes from though- my understanding from Sebastian’s explanation the Heather is there are two kinds. The classic Apostles created by Cynthia, of whom there can only be one at a time and the parody apostles who are mass produced by an unknown party.

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Thanks, and the doc is open for everyone who wants to make suggestions/leave comments.

I got the seven generations from Seb’s original talk with Cynthia. Her original apostles were long-lived but replaced over the centuries, which matches Seb’s talk with Heather about historical apostles.

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Thank you again for the doc! I left a few comments adding small corrections or additional info!

To clarify what goes on with the Apostles, I (or Cynthia in this case) might not have used the best terminology. An Apostles is made from a chosen bearer, and their symbol. The two are needed together to make someone a full Apostle. If a bearer tried to use their magic without holding their symbol, it would be far weaker. The same goes if someone stole a symbol from an Apostle and tried to use the power themselves. They could do it, but it’d be weaker.

We actually saw an example of this way back in update 1. When Lily put the girls in dream land, she needed to take Sebastian’s ring, his symbol of Sloth, in order to work the magic. And even then she was far weaker then he would have been if Sebastian had done it himself.

Back to clarify Cynthia was saying, the bearer of the sin won’t be long lived, they’ll keep their normal lifespan. However the symbols of the Apostles (the things Cynthia actually made) have lasted through the eras. The physical items themselves might be destroyed or lose their power, but magic beyond the symbols has yet to be destroyed or altered. So for example if Sebastian was killed and his ring burned in the fires of mount doom, after a few years a new Symbol of Sloth would imbue an item held by the new bearer, forming a new Apostle of Sloth.

This is in contrast to the parody Apostles. Cynthia sees the works as total knock offs. As even without outside interference, the magic of the symbols is rapidly coming apart. If you killed a parody Apostle of Sloth and destroyed their symbol, it wouldn’t come back.

Part of this difference comes from Lady Cynthia, for all her evil and madness, is very talented in the ways of magic. Where the copycat is only able to copy part of her work in a ‘diet’ version of her Apostles. In addition, Cynthia did not use “random human souls” to form the magic that holds her symbols of sin together through the eras.


What about the Apostle of Lust? Lily can survive lethal wounds by shapeshifting them away- could she also choose to stop herself aging this way?

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Yup. An Apostle of a lust is more or less unaging. Though not invincible, as they can run out of lust juice. Their symbol also doesn’t regenerate. So if some smashed Lily’s mirror shard which is her symbol of lust her shape shifting would be much harder and slower for her.



As mentioned at the end of the last Apostles update, CJ and I have started a new, cyberpunk themed WG game. I kept information about it somewhat vague at the time, but now we have enough to show off a ‘first five minutes’ trailer. A brief look at the story setting and art that will be coming in the new game. Hope everyone enjoys!

And this trailer, as well as most of the artwork that was seen in it, was available on patreon weeks in advance. So if you want to keep right on top of any developments in the game, consider supporting!



Ahhh this is so wonderfully looking! New Patreon!

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Started a new playthrough now that I’ve gotten back into the game after a long while…

Fresha says that she knows Lily [L], which Lily uses her voice to deny. Did I miss something or is that something that gets revealed at a later point?

If I recall correctly, that will occur after Dina is brought back in after dealing with Paul’s gang of slavers? Lily brought Dina back to Fresha’s house and used her voice to command Fresha directly to keep her daughter in her home and take care of her.

However, the more forceful Lily is with her commands, the more likely people are to recognize they are being controlled. They will still be forced to follow the commands, but they will know they are being compelled with some kind of magic.

If it’s the scene I remember, Lily used those kinds of forceful commands on Fresha, but is also using a combination of Sebastian’s drugs and her voice, to keep Fresha’s memory foggy. So that she doesn’t know she’s being controlled, and won’t tell others in town.

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That seems obvious now, thanks!

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I absolutely love the idea of Lily commanding Dina to stay in bed and not move. Not to mention how it seems Dina never really undressed…she just swelled out of her clothing as she gained…

One has to wonder how Dina is using the bathroom when she can’t leave the bed though…




If L were to transform into a silverback gorilla, would she be as strong as one or would she keep her original strength?

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As strong as one. When she changes it’s not just her looks that change, but her body structure as well.


I love this new update, and whilst I loved every part of it I have to confess that the scenes between Sebastian and Lady Cynthia were my favorite, she’s a riot in a strange, sadistic type of way and I couldn’t stop laughing. She is by far one of the most interesting characters in the game, which wasn’t an easy title to win, and I really can’t wait to see what you think up next.
I still have no idea how you pull this off, your wit and creativity is a thing of envy and I hope you’re having as much fun making the game as I have playing it

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