Are comments usually this weird?

LMAO, if it’s that simple then why can’t THEY run it through google translate while playing it?!

Yeah definitely a lot of goofy goobers out there >w>

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Greatest Hits:

  1. Badly optimized VR game (or it just has really great graphics); commenters ask for a standalone Quest version. Bonus points if they don’t even ask for a standalone version; they just report it as a bug as they try to get the EXE to run on the headset.
  2. “Why does [game] have [fetish]? It should have [more niche fetish / completely different fetish], it’d be really popular!”
  3. Commenter can’t get the game to run; dev talks back and forth with them for a while, assuming there’s a legit bug with the game: it turns out they’re trying to run it on Windows XP or some old-ass laptop for some reason.
  4. A whole wall of commenters beg for a mobile port; anyone with half a brain can look at the game and immediately realize that there’s no way this game would run on a phone.
  5. Dev is really popular and has a dedicated fanbase; anyone that reports bugs gets downvoted to hell and shouted at, even though they’re legit bugs.
11 Likes is a comment section joke:

most mobile requests are from kids, due to the modern youth being “an ipad kid” who spends 20ish hours on an ipad so it’s not a shock they want the game on a platform they have access to…and there are very few bars to stop them

most bug reports related to startup are non-first world people who have an equivalent to windows 95 hardware/IOS

illegible english is just a universal problem, cant expect non-natives or kids from the above 2 categories to know english well enough to use it properly


Simply think of every negative thing people say about reddit and apply it to itch dot io

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I think the ‘kids’ thing is a little unfair. Laptops and PCs might be more accessible than ever before, but the costs are significant, especially outside the europe/usa bubble. Even when it is people around the age limit, phones are simply the most concealable means of accessing smut. Which this site is essentially made for.

That all said, yes, it doesn’t have effective age gating (Neither does our forum for anyone that’s particularly determined) and it is accessible enough to have a truly…eclectic userbase. It will get a mix of dumb shit from both kids and dumbass adults.

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The five stages of grief
(The grief reading itch comments give me)

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no, that’s starting to become the acronym for generation alpha, like how the post WW2 generation is called the baby boomers ect, not some insult to kids as it has more to do with their near constant access to the digital world and general outlook of elitism for having the digital world always at hand lol

I’m here to confirm too.
Yes! “Absolutely” normal :rofl:
I was new to too, So I suffered from the same fate

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Yes there are Weird comments but there are WORST sites out there.

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