Are comments usually this weird?

So I posted my game on, been getting some normal replies, then some person asks for a mobile version, it felt kinda passive aggressive but ok. I really wasn’t surprised, I’ve seen these kind of messages when downloading other fetish games off the site. So I gave in and spent half my Sunday implementing touch screen controls for him.

No thank you, instead they posts about how I should make a “balloon inflation mode” where there’s a button you repeatedly press to inflate him, twice… Which is kinda baffling to me cause this concept has absolutely nothing to do with how the actual game works, I’m just assuming now that they’re a kid or something. At this point I just ignored them

People responded to this comment, and then they got an alt account and dropped this big ass word salad about how their account was hacked and posted weird comments, and then something something about roblox and youtube… I seriously can’t explain it, just look at the screenshot

Has anyone else experienced this? Is this just a normal thing thing on here? Should I do anything about it, or is it one of those things where I should’ve just ignored them from the very beginning? I feel like I’ve seen this same thing before on other peoples itch pages.

I mean it’s funny and gave me a good smile, but it’s just so bizarre. I’m pretty sure they’re just a kid, or at least I hope so. I added the sensitive content warning to my game to hopefully deter minors in the future, but yeah I’m kinda just baffled and don’t know what else to do.


Oh yeah gets some WILD ASS COMMENTS. I think a lot of it comes from them not having many systems to deter kids or otherwise from seeing a lot of content. It’s probably best to give several grains of salt to any strange or aggressive comments…


it’s very common, demanding and weird comments that get downwoted to valhalla, best to ignore these types of people.




Ahh yeah that makes a lot of sense, I was just new to itch so it was kinda just jarring when it happened lmao, now I know though >.>

I’ve seen alot of comments like this.

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what is the game? if I may inquire?

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thanks, for the link

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The comments on itch always make my day.

5 Likes comments from what I’ve seen usually consists of people asking for mobile ports and either weird or confusing comments which REALLY makes me think that some of these people are minors just by the way they type.

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Oh my god this is so damn funny!! This feels like a joke someone would make sarcastically, but like, it’s not ironic at all?!

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Yeah that’s definitely what it feels like, it always seems like such childish demands, I can’t imagine an adult acting like that. (At least I hope adults don’t act like that)


Feels like normal spread of comments honestly. You get a few that don’t have all their marbles so to say.

Usually best to just ignore them and move on. Always gonna get some that basically demand specific things


Pretty much every game I’ve ever seen on itch gets these comments, even the non-fetish stuff. Think of any gaming stereotype, you’ll find it in the comments.

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Well? What are that secrets?


I have seen some people also replace comments with threads, you know: FAQ form, bug reports, etc. May repel minors.

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Someone asking to make an entire 6GB UE4 game into a web version

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Huh, interesting, I may have to look into that for next time

Certainly a level of goofy and demanding out there

Had someone ask me to translate my game into Spanish. A game with over 300k words. Lol. When I explained the difficulty and logistics behind that they just replied with “it’s simple, just run it through Google translate”

That’s when I realized there’s certainly some clowns on that site haha