ARTISTS WANTED!! Wario Land inspired furry inflation platformer (EVERYTHING IS PLACEHOLDER SO FAR)

Heya! So I’ve been working on a prototype for a fast paced 2D platformer heavily inspired by games like Wario Land and Pizza Tower, with inflation based transformations (basically the power ups of these kinda games).
It’d have a ton of different inflation types (Uber (this would be togglable as some people are uncomfortable with it), slime, water, helium etc) and possibly some WG elements
Haven’t come up with any of the characters yet since im not an artist and the game is VERY early in development, but the base mechanics and a few of the transformations are done

PROTOTYPE DOWNLOAD (can also be played in browser):



As someone who 101% pizza tower and has done a HOLY SHIT run of the game, this VERY much intrigues me. It’s a high bar to compare to, so I’d be pleasantly surprised if the controls feel even a fraction as good as that game.


Great interest


haha wario styled games are making a comeback recently huh?


well in terms of the controls its kinda like a mix of both WL4 and Pizza Tower ATM, with some of my own additions (like gaining momentum when rolling on slopes)

and kinda related it’ll have a very GBA-inspired artstyle, I’m thinking something similar to rushrabbit or kafrizzle’s artstyle in sprite form

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So here’s the prototype so far!!
only has a tutorial + test level

Password is ITSHAPPYHOUR!!


Good prototype, seriously this game has good potential

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Even if it is just placeholder graphics and whatnot, I can still very much feel the inspiration in both the controls and some of the level design. Can’t wait to see more of this in the future :+1:

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thank you both!!
Btw, how would I look for artists to work on the game? I have a pretty specific artstyle in mind

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Okay so I’m gonna ask some people on Bluesky if they’d be interested in making concept art and sprites, hopefulllllllyyy it’ll go well


When attempting to download it, my antivirus detects a trojan in the download. I probably would suggest maybe looking into whatever might be triggering that so others don’t have to deal with it. For now I don’t want to risk it (not trying to say this actually is a trojan, im just paranoid and see the spooky alert and hide under my blanket)

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Could you add a WASD layout, please? My keyboard sucks and the FN key isn’t a toggle

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I’d like to also say that I myself was notified of a trojan virus in the zip file. If you perhaps figure out wat is wrong I’d be more than happy to download the game!

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Sooo I had a look on virustotal and it’s just very sensitive antiviruses detecting unrecognised .exe files and flagging them as trojans, most of them didn’t detect anything


Yeah, it’s more than likely a false positive. Depending on what game engine/version you use, it doesn’t get that ‘seal of approval’ that Windows Defender is looking for and therefore falsely flags it.

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I see. Well, thanks for clarification.

Actually looking at the game now, I do agree it has potential, though it is a bit bland right now; nothing bad, just not too much to make it different from the inspirations yet (at least from what I could see). Still is fun, though, and looking forward to some of the more unique mechanics! (Also, I definitely would suggest investing in making death planes, as falling off in the test level just leaves you stuck forever, requiring restarting the game)


Looks very promising for a pre-alpha test. Seems you’ve got the hang of animation control and hitboxes. Feels very satisfying to move the player, although I never found out how I could ascend that one chasm where you taught the ground pound pogo.

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New prototype version!!

  • Moveset changes: disabled groundpound bounce, added wall jumping
  • Full WASD support
  • Added some placeholder effects when running, groundpounding, and walking
  • Added some particles when breaking small blocks
  • New transformations! Slime: the longer you hold the jump button, the higher you jump. Also lets you wall jump with more control. Clothes inflation: floatier and you can glide
  • Death planes added
    Wario Land inspired inflation platformer (Prototype) by AveryBun -
    Password: ITSHAPPYHOUR!!

This project is very exciting!I can’t wait for the update~
I played the updated version, and the wall cling was so strong that I had a hard time going back through the narrow passage in the tutorial stage.