Axugaem2: Official Post (Ver: 0.8.3) - Catacombs and Catgirls Update

Not yet, but I’m planning to add a few quick game over vore scenes retroactively to a couple of bosses, as well as to some new ones. They won’t be super detailed, just little bits of fanservice where I feel it’s appropriate.

How many optional party members are there and how do you unlock them?

I discovered your game this weekend and just wanted to say that maybe I lost to Ula’s battle… on purpose. And maybe am willing to lose a couple more… so… I am all for it.

Besides that, you really hooked me, on my first playthrough dated Vespa because big hungry demoness, but now I’m shipping Nell, few games make me want to replay it so soon!

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Apologies if it’s super obvious, but where should one be going after defeating Caldryn on the Spire?

I don’t know anything about this game and haven’t followed it at all, but been thinking about trying it, but is there not an axugaem1 I should look at first?

I haven’t play 1, but this game is really good and I don’t feel too lost. It’s tied for my favorite game. Make multiple saves so you can see all the content!

There is in fact an axugaem 1 posted on Axlwisp’s DA page if you want to check it out. do bear in mind that it’s noncanon to 2 so you wouldn’t miss anything outside of a couple easter eggs by starting with 2. If you do end up taking a shot at it, I would highly recommend joining axl’s discord linked in the OP as there’s a lot of nuanced things you’ll definitely miss in your first couple playthroughs.

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Happy you’re enjoying the game so much!! Thank you for taking the time to play through it and express your enjoyment of it! It means a lot!

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It depends if you’ve completed the Air Temple yet or not! If you haven’t, you’ll need to explore the Thunder Highlands until you find a stranded neko named Natasha, who will allow you to reach the area where the Air Temple is. If you have completed it already, you should return to Khur, as you’ll be able to proceed through the town and into the next area of the game!

Ah, alright. It hadn’t occurred to me to speak to her again. I rescued her before doing all the fire temple stuff, so I suppose I just forgot. Thanks for helping me out.

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does anyone here have a spare download to the game i can have

The download links are in the first post.

i encountered a weird glitch where cross permanently joined my party some time when I first got to del nyan (i first noticed this after accepting the quest from the pig lady weapon seller, dunno if that had anything to do with it).

of course, the easiest option would be to fix this glitch. however, wouldn’t it be cool to make it a feature and make alternate story content if cross is in your party early? (granted, I don’t know how hard it would be to implement this.)

All the save file will remain in the newest version or I need to restart.

You should be able to move your save file into the newly updated game.


Im kinda expecting the mc (Claire) to gain weight

A quick reply, someone could tell me how to get the fish road because I need a ticket(I think)

can someone send me the download file of the game plz

i feed aby enough where she said she cant see her feet can i feed her more later on in the game and is there any sprite changes?

Slightly, it’s a little bit thicker