Baldur's Gate 3 Plus-Size Body Mod RELEASED!

Version 1.0 is out! You can find the link to the Nexus page here- Plus-Size Tav at Baldur's Gate 3 Nexus - Mods and community

Be sure to thank the mod author here!-

I just discovered another creator who’s working on a pretty great looking body mod for Baldur’s Gate 3. They posted a teaser on their Twitter-


Nice find! I’ve been waiting far too long for another body mod to come out for that game. I feel like the other mod is abandoned that i was using so I’ll certainly be keeping an eye out for this one.


That looks great. I bought BG3 a while ago, but couldn’t get into it at all, even though it’s the kind of game I normally love. Perhaps if more of the characters look like that, I’ll be able to enjoy it more.


I think they ither mod modder had some pretty serious life stuff happen so the mod got put on the backseat. Last I heard, they were intedning to come back, but idk

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Yes you’re actully right. But i happen to know they’re currently actively working on another project. Which i believe everyone here will love and i personally can’t wait to see finished. But that mod still sits very broken. Hey they’re not getting paid and it’s more a passion project so you know I’m not mad at them. Just kinda sucks that’s all. Because of this i hope they follow through on this other project cause from what i saw its gonna be good.

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They just posted on update on progress. They just got cloth physics to work and have some robes converted. They plan to release the first part of the mod after getting all the starting and companion armors modified for the body.


Nice! I dont do twix or whatever its called these days, so please keep us updated


Twix huh lol. That’s a pretty good candy bar.


Saw this today. Looks like all clothing will be working. I’m so excited for this.

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Update, they’re making more progress


I’m going to be the furry here but

Are Dragonborn planned to be added?

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As of right now probably not. They’re focusing on getting all the armor and clothes done for body type 1


Is it just me or is this a different bodytype from the first one? (definitely bigger belly)


It’s possible, although it could just be the angle and the fact that this outfit is more form fitting. That, or perhaps they’re still tweaking the body before release? It does look fantastic in these images

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Maybe this mod will be finished by the time I get around to picking this game up. I’ve been putting it off for a while due to lack of time and I just can’t bring myself to picking it up for full price. These days, I always wait for at least the first sale before getting anything. Gives me time to read reviews and catch up on my library backlog.

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In hindsight, I wish I’d waited until it was on sale. I really struggled to enjoy it at all (to be fair, I’m in a tiny minority here - everyone else seems to love it!), even thought it’s the sort if game I’d usually thoroughly enjoy.

These body shapes are looking great! I’ll defintely be giving it another try once these get released :slight_smile:


I’m really glad that mods like this exist. My engagement with romance in games outside of weight gaming is usually stifled by female NPCs being way too skinny. I think mods like this allow individuals with different preferences to enjoy those romantic aspects the way the developers intended :slight_smile:


Never thought of it this way but damn you’re right. I never realized how left-out I feel when there’s supposed to be sex appeal in a mainstream game but I’m just like “meh.”


Daaaamn shadowheart packin’ some CAKE there! GOLLY she might actually be worth romancing now.

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There is seems to be another person doing a Chubby mod for the Female Dragonborn, i would make another topic but i don’t want to make another one to avoid cluttering and confusion (also there was another similar mod discussed here but hasn’t been updated unfortunately) , so i’ll link the mod here if someone is interested. The creator of this mod is currently working on the outfits for that race.