Belly Direct 2! (Applications Open)

Hello everybody, following the success of our first belly direct( Belly Direct 12/18/2021 - YouTube )

We would like to start work on our second one! If you want to be apart of it we would love for you to apply at our discord (Project: Quimbly) and feel free to shoot GamingTV#6399 a DM if you have any questions!

What is the Belly Direct?:
The Belly Direct is a showcase of Belly games that come out around the time of postage. It is a great opportunity for Developers to show off their games and for viewers to know what games are currently popular. The Direct isn’t limited to new games, you can show any project that you have made including massive updates. The world’s your oyster! If you’re still confused feel free to view the youtube video I linked up above to see how these projects are showcased! :slight_smile:

Edit: You can still apply to join but we are pushing back the direct to late september so that all of the gain jam entries can apply to join the direct! There is just not enough content produced in order to warrent doing 2 a year. That being said when we do host one I hope to see all of you there! :slight_smile: