Big Aspirations (0.6.2) A weight gain interactive story

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Ive gotten to the point in lilly’s questline that im past the icecream tube from beth are the next stages just really long to get to or am i missing something?

More Icecream speeds things up quite a bit. Also, if you go and get the expert cookbook and get the 3-layer cake recipe, that helps quite a bit.

I guess it takes a while because after at least 15 cakes and 5 special ice-cream it felt like i haven’t made any progress also she complains it doesn’t fill her up as much anymore so i was curious if its trying to tell me something else.

i THINK that means you are as far as you can go without the sandwich.

Even if it is not planned for the normal finale you got going, I hope in the future we get another magic item that we can use to push ladies with the sandwich to another stage.
Something i think I understand but want to confirm, the incense allows you to eat more at once, so for events like the donuts you go from being able to eat one to eat a Dozen correct?
what is the limit on that? because in one run i must have used it 200 times.
Would also be funny if we use it so much we could vore the cat on the vore route when she is immobile


or after she eats the sandwich.

i was going for all the endings, and after i lost my save, i went and added somewhat of a debug area to the game (along other things because i might have OCD), i thought of sharing it here, but wouldn’t want to do so if you don’t like others messing with your game

I don’t mean this in any bad way and I hope you don’t take it the wrong way, but I feel like it might not be the best practice to ask someone for an altered version of the game when the creator of the game hasn’t given their blessing on the alteration. If you wanted to receive a copy of it, it would have probably been better to have sent the person a direct dm, rather than make a comment about them sending you a dm for something, specifically in the case that the creator of the content doesn’t approve of the change. I don’t know, I might be wrong. It is just my feelings on the matter and as such can be taken with a grain of salt or just ignored. Figured it might be good to say something regardless though.


You are free to alter the game however you want but I would prefer if you didnt send out modded versions of the game while I am still in the process of developing it.


I need some help i just downloaded 0.6.2 and now i cant see any of the pictures it just shows a peace of paper riped

Have you unzipped the folder? You might be trying to run the html from the zipped folder which will not let it detect the pictures correctly

That Worked Thank you

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where to get multi color hair npc for cici quest

so while were waiting for the next update here, i decided to do a necklace run in the current build to see if anything changes, nothing so far but i’ll keep everyone posted if that’s not the case

Edit: thought i give a quick update on the necklace route, not much else happens or no new options or events happen with it which is a shame because i honestly think it could be cool to have new routes sprout from this one item, perhaps if you have it long enough it starts to affect people around you fattening them up as you fatten up

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Just playing through the game for the first time. Which characters can be given the sandwich at this time? I gave it to the three co-workers, Sandra, the Mime, the doughnut shop woman, Tiffany (Cici is the one who gets it on the alt route right?), Roxie, Diane, and then Lily (have added Yuna as well). I also saw some talk about a hot dog ending which I can’t locate. Is that not implemented yet?

oops wrong ending. you mean the glizzard ending? to get that, you just have to use the glizzard coupon yourself, and see it through to the end.

can i fatten up the random people i meet when going places the ones that occasionally show up out and about where you can offer them food and stuff

No those are tied to the Cici vore quest line where you use their favourite food to convince them to go to Cici

There’s a glizzard ending? Clearly I’ve been missing out on some content ;-;.