Big Aspirations (DLC Bundle 1) A weight gain interactive story

You’ll have to wait and see, won’t you? :wink:

I’m sorry, but I’m still very confused on how to properly save.
There’s a Save Game feature at the start of each day, yet when I click it it tells me “Sorry, I couldn’t save your game”. I tried putting the link in a new tab, but all that did was bring me to the beginning of the game with no option to load anything.
How would I go about saving progress?

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Sounds like you have some sort of restrictions on your browser preventing saves from occurring. That or your computer drives are absolutely filled to the max (unlikely). Try resetting the browser to default settings or using a different browser to play the game with.


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After you get the monkey’s paw from Shadowed Curios, how do you get the cheesecake for Lily?

Check the monkey’s paw in your inventory

Hey all
Just want to know what’s the new weight stage set at or if I’m there now?
I’m 177 kilograms atm but I feel like i read earlier that 200-ish was the limit? unless I’m thinking of another game.

200kg was the limit before the most recent patch. In the most recent patch I think he retuned the values to pounds and rebalanced the weight to align more with the images. I unfortunately can’t remember the exact values offhand but I don’t know if you have the same “neat” breakpoints as before - e.g., it might be things like 342 lbs or something like that. I think the limit is in the 300-400 range though in terms of lbs, so 100-200 kg.

Limit just means that’s where the story ends for now - you can keep playing past the end of the story.

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love the game, the art is great for ai keep it up!

question is there a use for the AE potion, and HYPER potion in 4.1 or is that something for later versions?
I know you can drink them in your inventory, but is there a other use for them?

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I believe they are for the buffet waitress and rude co-worker respectively! Need to have them at the max size up until that point, but I’m unsure if the rude co-worker is 100% implemented yet

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okay didn’t think of them, well I figured the rude co-worker due to the dialog between them

(post deleted by author)

Really good game it got me awake the whole night and i think i got all the endings so im looking forward for more! Also i have some suggestions to make it more alive

You should add some difficulty to the game like if you dont eat you lose sime weight or add a fullness status so you cant just eat 5 or 6 time everyday (taking in count that in the first stage your stomach hurts with the big meal and then you go and pick an another one?)

Add some inteactions depending on which girl are you dating i.e. jamie is a feedeet so she will tru to get more interactions in that way with you, beth is a gamer but loves excercise so she will tru to push in that way and so on.

Add something to lily just feeding her its kinda boring, you should be able to call her and hang out together.

Add an option to buy coffe cuz after getting bigger you cant buy more :c

Add levels to cook and barista options so food wont make you only fatter its also add you other buffs or nerf depending on quality

Add an album or a way to repeat some secuences ( so you dont need to play everything again to se wathever you want)

Also jamie seems pretty excited everytime you gain some weight, why not add an another kind of extra hours with her? ( if you add intimacy level or love this will increase the chance)

Gloutton ending might have more options like being visitide by friends or helped by them.

Add accesories to fairy so she will be able to do different stuff or more powerful madic

add an another route (muscular maybe or another kind of body transformation) so girls will react in different ways depending on your route or objective.

Add interactions with the grocery store shopkeeper and please addva way to buy 5x or more also for cooking

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The game content its up to 200 kg, im at 350 and nothing changes

Buffet waitress is ae serum hyper not sure

Hopefully there’s a gallery feature added someday! Good idea

Hyper its implemented but its terms of ptobabilities to use it the same for feeding sessiond

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Hyper Serum can be used on your rival at work.

Yeah but its a matter of lucky dont know the chances but they are not so high

For a first try this game is honestly pretty impressive, my one complaint is that i wish you could manually trigger overtime, or maybe slightly increase the pay by 10 or 20 dollars from whatever the base is. I could see it being pretty easily implemented, who knows might mess around with it myself and see what I could make.

Keep up the good work.

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