BIG BIG Dungeon: A card based dungeon game

So I’m making this Topic for a game I’m currently working on involving Weight Gain, Expansion, Stuffing and other themes of the likes. It’s a Card game inspired pretty heavily by Voracious Riches, a game by Someoneinflative but I am to flesh out the idea a bit more since although that game was fun, It hasn’t been updated since shortly after it’s 2022 Gainjam version. If you haven’t seen my Project discussion topic, you can find the game here: Voracious Riches by SomeoneInflative .

I’m going to be using this spot as a place to update on progress as I go, and to receive feedback or ideas for the game so feel free to shoot some ideas! As of now, I’ll mainly be using this topic for any updates, etc.

Currently I have the Main Menu working and a few other things, here’s how the current progress is looking:

Progress update June 4th:

Haven’t done much in terms of visual changes so I’ll just dot down what I’ve finished as of tonight while I had time:

  • Added drawing cards function along with card randomness.

  • Added ability to actually use the cards on the Player or Monsters (Currently does nothing beyond that.)

  • Added card animations when drawing a card.

  • Redid and aligned all of the sprites on their sprite sheets so the card deck is cleaner

  • Created a chunky Hash map containing each individual card and their respective values.

  • Other things like Optimizations and probably some other things I’m forgetting.

I was thinking about taking some inspiration from Across the Obelisk too regarding player equipment like rings, clothing, amulets, etc but that stuff would come later on once I get the general game loop finished.

Progress update June 5th:

Small progress update time!

  • Finished up the card functionality and tied it to the cards hash map.

  • Depending on player’s card level they’re able to pull higher level cards with better stats.

  • Card deck looks much better now and fixed a few issues it was having.

  • Set up buffs and debuffs to appear on the UI now along with how many stacks of each the player has.

  • Tied other player variables to the UI.

  • Added a whopping 2 placeholder sound effects.

  • Added variables to the monsters that will control size, hp and stuff like debuffs.

Later today I’ll add card usage on monsters, set up a randomizer to pick different monsters with different abilities that effect the player and add a turn mechanic to skip or end turns.

What the cards and buffs look like right now : (pretty similar I know but status effects actually show up instead of being physically placed under the size bar now)

I’ll improve visuals a bit later on when the general combat code is finished.

Progress update June 13th:

Been awhile since my last progress update, things have been a little slow since I decided to redo stuff for optimization reasons but here’s my current progress.


  • Added 3 card sound effects, placing card, drawing card, and cant play card.

  • Added 4 other sound effects, Berrying sound cue, physical attack sounds, and some slime sounds for slime monster along with a sound cueto indicate when it is the player’s turn.


  • Overhauled the combat code and finished monsters abilities, slimes have 3 they can choose from, slime slam, friendly feed and self replicate. While the blue slimes have an additional ability, berrying which applies berrying debuff to the player.

  • Auto draw & Slight UI Changes. Cards now auto draw when it’s the player’s turn allowing for the draw card button to be removed (when I’m done working on the game) Not much else has changed in the visual department apart from that, still looks pretty similar.

  • Added a second monster, succubus. Lacks a sprite right now will but focuses on temptation and damage to the player.

  • Implemented an Energy mechanic (for now). Cards cost energy to use and the player will gain energy each time their turn starts. Higher level cards cost more energy with a max energy cap of 15. (Highest card cost being ~4. Might lower the energy cap later and have the equipment handle energy cap once I get around to adding that down the line.

  • Added End turn functionality, once the player has used their choice of cards they can end their turn initiating the enemies turn, they cycle through then goes back to the player’s turn granting energy. At the start of the players turn it also adds all active size debuffs to the players size if it’s not an immediate effect attack.


  • Added a title screen for the game along with a settings section. Doesn’t look super snazzy, but it works for now.


  • Added a preference setting in the settings menu where the player can choose between Weight gain, Stuffing or Inflation, the game then stores the preference for encounters. Currently, the card deck will still give all three types but that will be fixed soon.

  • Decided on a name for the game, BIG BIG DUNGEON! (sounds intimidating i know)

  • Began on building the procedurally generated map, however I might settle on something a little more simplistic for the time being since I’m building everything from scratch and procedural generation sounds like a nightmare to work on currently this would also save on time for other things.

Let me know thoughts and opinions! Things I should add, remove, change, etc. Being that this is the first game I’m actually working on I know it isn’t perfect but it’s definitely a learning process, feedback will definitely help a ton!


Here’s the list of cards planned so far, minus one or two card types I added after the picture:


Definitely looking forward to this, let’s gooo~


LOVE the sprite art! Excellent work!

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I LOVED Voracious Riches! I’m super excited to see how this develops! I will be more than happy to help in any way I can. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

One idea that comes to mind is definitely some bwoompf sound effects. I loved hearing those sounds when the Knight would fwoomp up. x3


This looks like a game I would love to play once it comes out.

Also here’s the obligatory image.


And fwoomp they shall >:D


Progress update June 4th:

Haven’t done much in terms of visual changes so I’ll just dot down what I’ve finished as of tonight while I had time:

  • Added drawing cards function along with card randomness.

  • Added ability to actually use the cards on the Player or Monsters (Currently does nothing beyond that.)

  • Added card animations when drawing a card.

  • Redid and aligned all of the sprites on their sprite sheets so the card deck is cleaner

  • Created a chunky Hash map containing each individual card and their respective values.

  • Other things like Optimizations and probably some other things I’m forgetting.

I was thinking about taking some inspiration from Across the Obelisk too regarding player equipment like rings, clothing, amulets, etc but that stuff would come later on once I get the general game loop finished.

I’m going to chip away slowly at some things while I relax like getting the UI to work, implementing the hash map values as the card values, etc then will start on (hopefully) creating some sprites for the character’s size and the monsters too. I like the current character style so I might go with something along those lines but if anyone is interested in doing some art for the player and/or monsters let me know!

Also should I be adding updates by editing the main post or just commenting them?


Commenting pings the thread, so I’d say do that - then when you get patches out, post a new post and edit the main post?

That’s my 2 cents, anyway.

I like this idea, I’ll go with it. Thanks :laughing:


Made an account because somebody finally beat me to the punch on this topic! :wave:
I’d done some thinking on the idea myself, but it never really went beyond making concept art of my own iterations of a handful of the Voracious Riches enemies…

Being ace, I won’t draw anything too explicit, as I’m very particular about what I’m comfortable with- but i do fancy the idea of player & monster art! (I saw this thread the other day, and did some doodles based on the list of card ideas as well.)


These are awesome! I like the artstyle, they’re very cute. if you’d like to do the art for it you’re more than welcome to since I don’t have super crazy art skills. I’m not planning on doing anything too explicit unless I put it in an explicit and inexplicit version but if I do that I can always change up the artstyle for that version for those who might want that version.

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Progress update June 5th:

Small progress update time!

  • Finished up the card functionality and tied it to the cards hash map.

  • Depending on player’s card level they’re able to pull higher level cards with better stats.

  • Card deck looks much better now and fixed a few issues it was having.

  • Set up buffs and debuffs to appear on the UI now along with how many stacks of each the player has.

  • Tied other player variables to the UI.

  • Added a whopping 2 placeholder sound effects.

  • Added variables to the monsters that will control size, hp and stuff like debuffs.

Later today I’ll add card usage on monsters, set up a randomizer to pick different monsters with different abilities that effect the player and add a turn mechanic to skip or end turns.

What the cards and buffs look like right now : (pretty similar I know but status effects actually show up instead of being physically placed under the size bar now)

I’ll improve visuals a bit later on when the general combat code is finished.


I know it’s probably too early in development for a clear answer to this, but will the protagonist be getting companions/allies at some point? Just curious. c:

I am planning on it yep, Soon as i get the monster interaction, combat and Encounter mechanic finished along with a few monsters I’m going to work towards implementing teammates since I liked how it was handled in Voracious Riches. However i’ll likely change a few things and how it works so I’m not just completely copying someoneinflative.


Completely understandable! I’m looking forward a bunch in seeing your special takes on the game style! :smile:

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Been pretty busy for a bit, but in the time i have to chip away at the project, the combat cycle is functional apart from being pretty roughly made and almost done setting up the card effects how they should behave and added a second type of slime monster that chooses from attacks different from the other. Ill post another progress update with this stuff once ive done enough to warrant a progress update, likely monday night!


Probably one of the projects I’m most excited to see come around, I hope things go well in development o7


Progress update June 13th:

Been awhile since my last progress update, things have been a little slow since I decided to redo stuff for optimization reasons but here’s my current progress.


  • Added 3 card sound effects, placing card, drawing card, and cant play card.

  • Added 4 other sound effects, Berrying sound cue, physical attack sounds, and some slime sounds for slime monster along with a sound cue to indicate when it is the player’s turn.


  • Overhauled the combat code and finished monsters abilities, slimes have 3 they can choose from, slime slam, friendly feed and self replicate. While the blue slimes have an additional ability, berrying which applies berrying debuff to the player.

  • Auto draw & Slight UI Changes. Cards now auto draw when it’s the player’s turn allowing for the draw card button to be removed (when I’m done working on the game) Not much else has changed in the visual department apart from that, still looks pretty similar.

  • Added a second monster, succubus. Lacks a sprite right now will but focuses on temptation and damage to the player.

  • Implemented an Energy mechanic (for now). Cards cost energy to use and the player will gain energy each time their turn starts. Higher level cards cost more energy with a max energy cap of 15. (Highest card cost being ~4. Might lower the energy cap later and have the equipment handle energy cap once I get around to adding that down the line.

  • Added End turn functionality, once the player has used their choice of cards they can end their turn initiating the enemies turn, they cycle through then goes back to the player’s turn granting energy. At the start of the players turn it also adds all active size debuffs to the players size if it’s not an immediate effect attack.


  • Added a title screen for the game along with a settings section. Doesn’t look super snazzy, but it works for now.


  • Added a preference setting in the settings menu where the player can choose between Weight gain, Stuffing or Inflation, the game then stores the preference for encounters. Currently, the card deck will still give all three types but that will be fixed soon.

  • Decided on a name for the game, BIG BIG DUNGEON! (sounds intimidating i know)

  • Began on building the procedurally generated map, however I might settle on something a little more simplistic for the time being since I’m building everything from scratch and procedural generation sounds like a nightmare to work on currently this would also save on time for other things.

Let me know thoughts and opinions! Things I should add, remove, change, etc. Being that this is the first game I’m actually working on I know it isn’t perfect but it’s definitely a learning process, feedback will definitely help a ton!

Edited: Used the wrong cue/queue, it was bugging me lol


obligatory “We will watch your career with great interest” post here

Jokes aside, this looks really good so far! Can’t wait to play it!

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