Hello, I don’t speak English but I want to share some things regarding the mod.
the error (exception_access_violation) in case it happens to someone, the only thing I did was install version 2.5.2 and then install 3.0.0 following the steps on github, if the world does not load or the game closes, change the option multiplayer to off or on depending on how you have it
If I want to capture a wild lovander and I summon it, it comes out fat, it never comes out thin regardless of whether you capture it wild or it hatches from an egg, the same thing happens with Broncherry and Chillet. I have not tested if it works correctly in a new world because of how long it would take to capture Lovander.
UE4SS links into the engine so if you did not install it correctly or some files got moved around it will crash you. We have had a few users have other apps move the files or antivirus get rid of some of the files so I would double check that. The fix suggested by @fluttershy can also work, I think I saw an issue about it on the github.
This is how it works atm. The size it tied to the pals hunger and wild pals are always at 100% but the system only works on captured pals so wild ones will look thin but be fat after you capture them. We are looking at a way to set their hunger to a lower state to allow them to come out thin to be fattened up.
The system is tied directly to the pals hunger atm so foods that fill more of the hunger meter will fatten them faster where berries (which do not fill much) will fatten them up slower. We want to do a more complex system where weight is its own stat but still looking into how we could maybe do that.
I tried it with a new world and let a dinossom (unless it no longer gets that rounded belly like in the demo video on Squared’s twitter, with the 3 pals running up to the food bowl) get to very low hunger then fed it back to full and there was no difference, but with chillet I could visibly watch it shrink back down, haven’t come across the other compatible pals yet to test them though
Will these do? I tried to make sure I had the hunger bar shown too, like I said, I know the mod is doing something since Chillet works so I’m not sure why it’s not doing anything with this one
Ah I see. That’s actually correct. Dinossom is more empty to stuffed. That is bc we used @ExtrudedSquared original fat Dinossom edit for testing. We plan to replace it in the future though with one that goes from thin to fat
Hey, I just thought of something. Since this first version had 5 fattenable Pals, what if you posted the updated mod every 5 or 10 new Pals you guys finish?
Sounds like you only installed the model patch. Make sure you have UE4SS installed properly and working as well as WGTesting.pak in the Paks/LogicMods directory
I’ve been trying to get this mod to work properly for a while. I installed UE4SS correctly and placed the pak files in the right place. The model patch works for almost every relevant pal, but WGTesting.pak doesn’t work at all. It loads, but it doesn’t seem to do anything after that. Hopefully the attached log helps with figuring out what went wrong.(I had to save it as a .docx file to post it here) UE4SS.docx (9.2 KB)
Unfortunately the logs don’t give much outside that the mod is being loaded up. Can you provide more details and maybe screenshots of what is not working?