Big Pal Project - 0.5.1 (A weight gain mod for Palworld) (1/6 Update & GithubRelease!)

I’ve had it set to false for a little while at the recommendation of other mods I have that use it, so that can’t be it.

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Edit cause I answered my own question: it’s got to be something with either the ue4ss or the weight gain aspect of the mod since the shape is working dino

ExtrudedSquared cooking harder than Kindling Lv.4
We makin it outta Windswept Hills with this one :speaking_head: :fire: :fire:

…I couldn’t decide which joke to make so I did both. :.p

For real though!!! It’s genuinely insane how fast yall are able to push these out! Keep up the great work :.>

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Amazing work again I’m impressed at how many you’ve all done already. you should get pics off all off them fat forms for everyone to see


yeah, so I have the same problem of the mod not working except dinnosum. ive tried everything posted here so far. Could it be because I’m using the vortex mod loader?

Its possible, we have not tried testing with it

I downloaded straight from files, dropped everything in the right spot and triple checked the forum for anyone else who might’ve had a solution. Not sure what my issue is :confused:

Feel free to DM me and I would be happy to see if we can figure out the issue :slight_smile:

Err, how would i do that. :sweat_smile: On this website or discord or?

Here or if you are in our discord feel free to DM me

Well this is embarassing, I don’t know how to DM on this site and im not in your guys discord :sweat_smile:

Click on my username, you should see a small window popup and there should be a blue button the says message

I don’t see the blue button. Could it be because my account is new?

Ya, its just bc you are a new user. Ill send you a DM

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We got it figured out, guys! If youve got everything in the right spot, try making sure you have the entire list of mods given when you install UE4SS and mods.txt has them all on it (I assume i may have accidentally deleted alot of them before by accident)
(Crossed out mods are just some extra mods i installed after)


I’m confused and I try to insert the file and started. But it didn’t work. Have I done something wrong? I need a clear checklist please.

It sounds like you may have not installed UE4SS correctly. See our install section for a small step by step guide on setup

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Found the issue, this was not a bug but a process issue. They where accidentally marked as ready for release when they where actually not finished yet so just got pulled into the changelog on accident. I have updated the changelog post to reflect they where not added.

Thanks for pointing them out to us!

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Yes, I have read the instructions but I don’t understand a thing. I have installed, but I do not know if I have installed correctly.

The most important part is this step here.

If you see that folder has been created after you ran the game without our mod then UE4SS is likely installed correctly. If not then there is an issue with your UE4SS install.

UE4SS is not a mod we maintain so you need to reference their github page for more info. It can be found here:

If you have further issues feel free to DM me and I will be happy to work with you on figuring out the issue.