Hey Everyone! We are pleased to announce that we have opened the waitlist for people to apply to purchase our BRAND NEW Inflatable Body Pillows (Belly Pillows).
These body pillows are not like most others though as they contain one key ingrediant... Love! Nah just fuckin' with you guys, Though we would like to add that since your favorite inflatable gal Sophia doesn't get near as much love as she deserves given she only likes inflation, we figured it only right for us to give her her own bodypillow! In all seriousness though, what makes these bodypillows different is that they are fully inflatable! See for yourself...

That's right! Your girl has an inflatable belly component so you can whisper sweet nothings in her ear as you pump her up to be your personal balloon bimbo (Your words not mine) .
So if you'd like to have your own Sophia body pillow please sign up HERE Though do keep in mind the hard limit on these babies is 12. Once there are 12 people in the wait list we will shutdown the form. However if we break our goal of 12 body pillows in 2 months then we will produce another body pillow of a different character!
If you want the body pillow but non inflatable we can help you with that too!
If you want to check out our merch catalogue, look over here!