Can't switch up the games in's tags

I’ve used for allot of games on the Weight Gaming website, since allot of people post their vore-weight gain-fetishes games here, but when I go to and search up a tag of vore, it shows the same games on, even though the game I got from Weight Gaming led to isn’t there…

If somebody could help me out on this, I’d appreciate it! ^w^


Some game pages are restricted and can only be accessed through entering a password. Sometimes the dev will include the password in the link to give anyone on this site instant access, other times they’ll write the password in the post and you’ll have to enter it on itch. Public games can also be unlisted and thus won’t show up in any search.


Ah…- Welp, shit… Thanks either way though! ^w^

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It’s also a matter of whether the author actually tagged the game with “vore”, and not just included it in the description. Itch limits your tags to only a handful, so sometimes it’s just better to do a keyword search instead of tag.

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Eh true- But I always just wanna find more vore games on itch without searching for them, and just simpilize with a tag