Cards of Gluttony - a gay, weight gain card game [v0.4 released on 01/04/2023!]

Would you recommend starting a new save file for the new release? I tried to load an old one, but it doesn’t look like it works very well, lol

Could you elaborate a bit more on what’s not working?

Turns out I just completely misinterpreted what was going on :skull: the “to do” section had a (WIP) at the end of it, so I assumed it hadn’t accessed the new content, and the save was at 0 wgt, so I had ALSO assumed that the save file had glitched – which, in hindsight, I don’t know why I would assume that.

tl;dr Everything’s fine I’m just a bit dull :sparkling_heart:

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Oh, good catch, actually! That (WIP) label shouldn’t be there at that point anymore.

I found an error when using Exhaustive Jog at a high weight

I found a typo here, I think. It’s “Was that the shirt or my pants?”

Okay! Typo again. "Gordon pulled out his phone, typing something tomething.

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Thanks for the reports!

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Hi! I just downloaded the new patch and I am enjoying a lot so far! Quick question, I remember being a card that would give weight based on your fit, but I can’t find it in craft, am I remembering wrong?

There is no such card available in the game currently. There is “It’s All Muscle”, which gives Fit based on Wgt (the other way around), although it is not obtained through crafting.

This is, by far, one of the best games I’ve played from this site. Ever, even. I’ve never really enjoyed card games, but I guess it just takes some handsome fat men to get me into them!
I seriously appreciate the content warnings, minigame difficulty toggles, and the new sounds with 0.41.

I have found one strange bug while playing. When playing with the Linux .x86_64 file, my character’s weight refused to drop no matter what my fat burn was. As soon as I switched to using the .exe via WINE and imported my save, weight loss occurred as expected.
I don’t think it a big deal since the .exe runs smoothly, so it’s mostly a heads-up in case I’m somehow not the only Linux player, haha.
I only started using Linux inbetween 0.3 and 0.4, so I have no clue if this is a long-term bug or not.

I’ll be getting into the meat of the update now, but I wanted to add that I’m seriously glad a game like this exists and is being actively developed by someone so receptive to feedback. Just the thought of future updates has me giddy. I love the cast and their writing, which makes it even more enjoyable to watch them blow up alongside the player character.

Even with the uncertain future of Patreon, I’ll be throwing some money over soon. It’s the absolute least you deserve!

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Hey, I love all the improvements you’ve made! The game is getting better and better, I am seriously loving it.
I also really love that now there’s more burp content, both in audio and written! What a delight~
But yeah, the story, the characters, it’s all so good man! Really looking forward to the next update!


i have loved the game so far, i have a question though when i was exporting my save i noticed that there were names to opponents there hadn’t fought yet im just wondering how to fatten them all?

Edit: im so close to buying the patreon just need to get the money into my paypal, cant wait to get access to all of the extra features, i will write a better review soon just stuck currently

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The names aren’t necessarily opponents, but just characters of the game in general! What you’re seeing in the save file are the various flags and branching variables stored for each character.

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I do wonder… do you plan to make scuffles and such more fast paced than methodical?